Ckucke, Kevyn, and I met at the bottom of the hill a little early. JT cancelled out at the last moment, and at roll-out time, Root called to say he was going to be late. I told him to just get ready and come anyway: We would start and he could catch up with us. We were going really easy at the start, and kept a decent pace all the way up. I was within the small pack, but not pushing to beyond a touch of burn. The time was good at the one-lane bridge, so I put on the power and embraced the burn to the top. I managed to come in under 40-minutes. While we waited at the top for Root to catch up, Ckucke both astounded and disgusted us with his completely sweat-saturated Underarmor helmet liner. It glistened heavy with wetness and dripped! Root rolled up about fifteen minutes after us, and we went down the Tantalus Drive side. Per CKH’s direction, I led everyone down the “follow me†detour. Nothing quite like cyclocrossing in the dark! I did an unnecessary panic dismount at the switchback and flubbed the dismount and run at the log. Maybe I’ll clean it next time… We took it easy heading downhill, so the time was nothing special.
D = 17.60 km (10.94-miles), Vavr = 19.6 km/h (12.2-mph), Vmax = 72.8 km/h (45.2-mph), T = 54-minutes (39-minutes up, 15-minutes down)
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