It’s been a while since we hit St. Louis after work on Monday. Other commitments, weird weather, or holidays conspired against us since the strawberry guavas were ripe. The unseasonably hot, windless weather dehydrated the guavas on the tree before they could even fall off and rot! I got there early, but Kevyn beat me there since he lives just down the hill. Ckucke and JT showed up and we all geared up. Some time later, Root rolled in and we got started. We decided on Dumps, since we hadn’t gone that way in a while. The conditions were awesome, and the surface recently groomed. Lots of the annoying roots were gone, but there were a couple of low overhead obstacles to look lout for. We went through the stunt garden but bypassed lower Dumps and sortied up to the inner loop and crossed over to mainline and went back up to the jumps.
While waiting to take pictures of the guys hitting the jumps, a trail pedestrian in little hot pants came by and started getting into the old “well, if I were 20 years younger…†spiel and tried giving me photographic advice! WTF!? In any case, I’m pretty sure JT and I aren’t much older than he was! SUAR! …oh, and the shots I got in that instance were the best that day! Later, some trail girls came by and watched us jump. Even better, they rode MTB and were nice… like really rode (Kealia trail) not just owned MTB’s.
After a good session, we dropped taco jumps and went all the way down to agave via the rock waterfall. Again, the surface conditions were fantastic. Kevyn suddenly realized he had forgotten his hydration pack up at the jumps, so we hurriedly backtracked back up the trail. Riding back up the trail with my new full-head helmet was too hot, and putting it on top of my head made my head flop around like a bobble-head doll. I strapped it to my lumbar pack, but it rubbed the back tire even with the seat at full height! After turning it upside down so it sat higher up, it was fine. Kevyn’s pack was still there when we got back to the jumps. We made the painful grind back up to the park and headed over to Hide-chan for dinner. My jersey was dripping with sweat, so I changed back into my work shirt, which wasn’t much better. JT freaked out from my Bigfoot stink, wondering where the terrible smell was coming from, finally grabbing my shirt and taking a whiff. Fool! Everybody know Bigfoot stink: You don’t have to point it out every time you see Bigfoot…
Pictures here
D = 5.41 km (3.36-miles), Vavr = 7.9 km/h (4.9-mph), Vmax = 34.1 km/h (21.2-mph), T = 40-minutes
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