Well the racing debut of the red chalk monster was less than stellar. After scurrying about during the week to buy and mount tires then getting alignment on Saturday, today was the long awaited resumption of the Hawaii SCCA Solo II autocross. There had been a long hiatus due to the Hawaii State Farm Fair occupying the same space, but of course I do this stuff at the last minute. Things were looking good and the car was running decently. So I thought. I’m scheduled to run first heat and arrive just in time to sign in and get set up. Spirits are high, everyone is eager to race after the long time off. I’m pretty amped to go too since this is going to be a new experience driving a different car and setup.
Everything’s set, we line up, and I’m one of the first to go. I’m a little tentative, but I give the car a bit of a push. I note trying to accelerate out of turns the engine races a bit, either one of the rear tires is spining out, or the clutch is slipping. I take the back field hairpin and coming into a final slalom before the finish there’s a small thud and the car dies. Nuts! I clutch in and hit the starter. Hear the starter going, no engine. I coast through the rest of the course on momentum and just manage to cross the finish and pull to the side. Hit the starter again to no avail. Soon others come and help push me off to the pits. Poking around under the hood, can hear the fuel sqooshing through the rail and regulator. Pull coil wire & do the spark test, no spark. Curses.
After everyone in our class finishes their runs, Big Vern in little MR2 lends me his ECU so I can plug it in & test. No go. Figure that leaves coil/ignitor or the wiring. Wiring on these AE86’s are notorious for getting wonky by this age. After a little more pondering in the blazing sun, a thought occurs to me & I take off the oil fill cap and ask Vern to watch the cams as I crank it. No motion. No timing belt. Bleah. Could be worse though. Punishment for being a lazy ass and not changing the belt when I changed the water pump the other month. It looked ok, really! Taking the top cover off confirms it. Shreded belt.
Oh well, put a call into Pacific Paradise Towing and get a lift in air conditioned comfort back home. Spending the entire day in the sun, I don’t feel like working on the car, so it’ll wait till later. I think I’ll go and have a beer.
Hate to say it…well, actually take pleasure in saying it…
Didn’t Chuck and I tell you to change that thing when you had it apart?!!?!??!?!! Sucka.
And don’t go do that thing with the dizzy like last time either. Does someone make a clear Lexan timing belt top cover?
J is right. I distinctly remembering us telling you to change that belt since you had everything apart already, especially since the belt is so cheap. Definitely cheaper than a tow home. Oh well, lesson learned.
Now I have a valid excuse to use the impact wrench to see if it’ll get the main crank bolt loose, or if this bargain kit one is too weak! I believe this is what Fabio broke my 20″ breaker bar on.
Which thing with the dizzy? I remember having the cam gears on the wrong set of index hash marks, damn JDM engines. These unfancy 16v ones only got one set of marks.
And yes, I’ve seen someone had a clear top cover.
Okay – I was just going to ask if the timing belt was a field-servicable item. Forgot about the main pulley.
Was it the cam gears? The issue that Fab diagnosed? Okay – I remember something about blow and suck at the wrong times now.
Considering how many 4A-GE’s you have, you should pick up a bunch of those clear covers. Clear head covers would be cool too!
Oh yeah, I forgot about breaking the breaker bar. My Big Fabio Arms were too much for that weak little breaker bar. Plus the 4′ Pipe. 😀 Hey did I twist one of your extensions too?