On a shopping visit this past week to Marukai, spotted something new, a sparkling soda version of one of our fave J soft drinks, Momo no tennensui. We like to call it heavenly peach water because of the ten kanji, but really tennen means natural. We love it because the flavor is of real peach, and it’s not as sweet as your typical soft drink. So when I saw this soda version, I had to grab it. Unfortunately when it came to checkout time, it wouldn’t scan. I guess it was so new it wasn’t in system. After going to the customer service counter, they said it was $3. Ouch. I decided just this one time I needed to try it. The veridct? A refreshing carbonated version of the Momo no Tennensui we love, but at $3 a pop, that’s sticker shock way in excees of the highest vending machines in Japan.
2 out of 4 empty wallet monkeys at this price point, I can’t see them being able to sell much of this if that is the correct price. If it were a reasonable normal price, then it would be 3.5 out of 4.
$3 USD for something that retails for 160-yen in Japan? Highway robbery! Especially considering this is at Marukai, where you know they are getting it at JDM wholesale price (about 100-yen).
Wow, Don Quixote is also $3 for the various versions of Tennensui, including the limited edition nigori one.