New product from GU sport supplements. Decided to try these “energy chews” which is fancy talk for candy. OK, they put stuff like vitamins in it to differentiate it, but they’re largely sugar of one form or another. I’m a fan of the Cliff Shot variety, but the shop no longer brings in the Margarita flavor which featured higher sodium to replace that lost in sweat and assist staving off cramps. GU stuff has been hit or miss, I use their lemon lime and strawberry banana gel supplements. Again mostly because no one brings in my favorite Cytomax gel version. The other guys have not liked their other products flavors, even going as far as eliciting an anger response from one!
So on the easy Maunawili ride I tried these out. This flavor was chosen partially because it does not have caffiene in it, which I steer clear of. The moment I opened the package and dug out one of the blobs (should mention that the packaging is a small foil bag that suffers from the same inconvenience of the Cliff Shots original packaging) I was assailed by the strong aroma. Yes it was a blueberry aroma, but a kind of unnatural blueberry. That aroma carried over into the flavor once I popped it into my mouth and chewed on it. I wrinkled my nose. Root no like. It’s got the requist sugar, calories, and some sodium, aminos, vitamins so it probably works as well as any other gummy sport candy, but if I don’t like the taste I’ll be unlikely to use it and it won’t do me much good.
1 out of 4 gummy monkeys.
I like blueberries. I like pomegranite. I didn’t like these chews. GU makes the best gel, but their other products so far have been disappointing. Funny how they did blueberry-pomegranite right in the Roctane gel, but messed this one up so bad.