Got correct clutch slave and came home straight from work and installed. Then decided to look at engine slugishness. I started unplugging spark plug and when I got to #4 there was no change in engine smoothness, which meant cylinder 4 was not firing. Nuts. I could see plenty well that it was getting spark. I shut er down and pulled the spark plug. Completely dry and no smell of gas. Looks like something wrong with injector. Left to go meet the boys for ramen at rocket ramen, Yotekko-ya.
Got home, pulled out the multimeter, checked the wiring diagrams and service manual, and went out to take a look at the #4 injector. When I pulled the plug, it became obvious there was a problem. The pin contacts had come out of the connector. Well this would explain things. Just to be sure, I metered the injector to make sure it wasn’t burnt out. Pulled the boot (unfortunately cracking it in process), carefully pried out the retaining tabs, reinserted the contacts, put boot back and plugged it in. Now the test, how’s it run? Aaah, smooth. Buttoned things up and went for a test drive. Now this is what I was looking for! Rev response was snappy, power was what I was expecting. I was not hallucinating driving it yesterday and feeling kind of let down that it didn’t feel very strong. It would be with one fourth of it not running!
Looks like I might just make it to the SCCA event on Sunday, although the clutch won’t have much break in miles on it. See yah at the races!
Yeehaw! Congrats Root. Let er rip.