Monday arive on Kauai for work, rainy. This morning heavier rain.
Water system in Hanalei compromised cannot drink tap water. Pain. On
plus side roosters quiet this morning.
Monthly Archive for November, 2009
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Hmm… For some reason, I’m not convinced this is a real Royal Palm tree. The fake Norfolk Island pine tree in Kalihi valley is a lot more realistic: If I didn’t see them putting it up, I might not have noticed it was a cellular telephone antenna tower.
This month’s contest is to identify the location of this specific fake tree. Again, give us the specific longitude and latitude. If there are several near guesses, the closest one as determined by a field GPS measurement will take the prize. Just register and post your guess as a comment on this thread to enter!
This month’s prize is a white SNM tee shirt with this image on the front. Large or medium size is available.
Again, if you’re outside of the United States, delivery of the prize may be an issue, so you may receive only the recognition of your alpha-geekdom. Contest rules and prizes subject to change.
Contest ends Monday, 30 November 2009.
I can’t believe I’m laid up from a strained back. Did while reaching
for my Danner boots no less. officially an old fart. Sheeze, and I’m
pretty uselss now, lieing on the tatami.
Ow. The middle finger on my weak hand hurts. Jarrel requested I build a wheel for a regular customer, and I guess all the callouses and deadened nerves from years of wheelbuilding have reverted to pre-wrench conditions. Heck, I had a difficult time chopping off all the old spokes since the tendonitis in my left elbow has been acting up since before Kyoto. When was the last time I built a wheel? Was it the set on the Truth? No – there must have been something after that…
(0)Sunday November 1st, I wake in the dark, the sun has not risen yet. What has brought this miracle about? I have a SCCA race at Stadium and I run 1st heat. Luckily did not do anything for Haloween beyond go to The Shack with Fabio for a burger. At least a cute angel served us. So this is the first real event after the engine swap, transmission rebuild, clutch and flywheel upgrade, so this was going to be the test. Fortunately caught the bad injector plug during the test-n-tune.
Some light drizzles driving to Aloha Stadium, but doesn’t look like anything to be concerned with. It’s looking to be another hot day on the asphalt. Sign in, car teched, and then park the little red Corolla, dubbed “Nemo” by a spectator for it’s little flappy gas door. I walk back to the pit to grab my cooler and air guage. As I’m walking back, I overhear a guy talking to his friend, “I’m gonna be sick if I get beat by that hachiroku.” Oh yeah, something has suddenly become my one and only goal. I’m not angry or anything, we all smack talk, it’s a friendly rivalry kind of thing. But now I have to uphold the honor of all the ugly duckling AE86 “Hachiroku” out there.  I take a good look so I’ll know who he is and what car he’s driving. When he goes back to the lineup, I see that he is driving a N/A Subaru Imprezza sedan in my same class. I don’t recognize him, this should be good! Continue reading ‘It was a Good Day’