What a long day. My weekend scavenging plans were thrown for a loop when I drove out to ABC used auto parts out Pearl City way on Saturday, to see a dumpster truck and HFD ladder truck in the road. Looks like the dumpster had snagged the lowest cables on the overhead powerlines and pulled it down. I think those are typically telephone and cable TV, no tazer sparks flying, but they weren’t taking chances. I wasn’t going to be hitting that SR5 AE86 I had spotted earlier in the week when I spun by on a lark. So now what ended up happening is I woke up early on Sunday, headed out to Aloha Stadium, and signed in for the SCCA Solo II autocross. Once that was taken care of, I then headed of to ABC.
I was a man on a mission and headed directly to the Corolla. It must have been a pretty fresh arrival because it was out front. Quite a bit of it was already scavenged, and the couple days between when I first saw it, more was gone, like the windscreen. Dang, that makes things a little more funky because its open to elements and the weather is rainy. Dang, I’m thinking I should invest in one of those compact cordless impact drivers. Although all the fastners came out easy, it still took me an intense 1 1/2 hours of wrenching to net me the heater core, controls, driver window regulator, interior trim bits. I know I missed some bits, but I was running out of time, and hungry. But it was pretty productive, I maybe could have haggled on price, but I figured getting out of there forking over $100 and a 10mm socket that rolled under car was good for all the bits.
And then I went back to Aloha Stadium to go race! Which was quite amusing as the weather was quite rainy there.
I’m pretty pooped now, I think I’ll go have me another beer. And sorry no pics, too busy!
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