P1020095That was fast! Just as I was hopping into car to move out of driveway, our maillady pulled up, gave a toot, parked, locked her front doors, and pulled a box out of the back of her truck. Could it be my parts already? The box looked smaller than I expected, but judging by how she moved, it had some heft. I’ll be darned, it was my order from Weir Performance! So what was in this box of goodies? Here, take a look. Is that a can of maple syrup? P1020096Sorry, no, because “Power and speed are maÅ„s obsession” and “We are in ecstatic with the technology” what that is is oil for the Kaaz limited slip differential for my AE86. Yay! Also in the box is a pile of Koyo bearing set to completely rebuild the rear axle. Kaaz (anyone know the origin of the name?) took their standard setup and changed it to a “1.5 way” for my order. What that means is the locking clutch cam is made less aggresive for decelleration, some slippage is allowed to make it easier to handle for newbies like me. As a bonus, Kaaz threw in the 2 way cam rings, the prefered setup for all those dori dori monkeys out there. I’m dropping a pretty penny for this, so I don’t think it hurts them to do this. I also ordered the “SuperQ” version which is basically a shot peen treatment of the clutch plates to quiet down chatter and make them last longer.

P1020099I sure hope this is all worth it! The sucker is quite beautiful, shame it’ll be hidden away and won’t be seen after this! And no, I’m not going to install this myself. I simply do not relish the thought of going through the repeated assembly and disassembly required to set the gear lash, and my woggly dodgy made in slave labor camp #27 hydraulic press is likely inadequate for the wheel bearing installation. Not to mention the hot oil bath…. I’m taking it to Ken at Pacific Automotive, he does good work.

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