Just got home from The Contamporary Museum of Honolulu’s August Moon wine tasting fund raiser at The Edge at the Sheraton Waikiki. I was one of the featured artists at the “Drawn Out” venue table of artists who all donated their time and talents to create artwork on the fly for sale to the attendees to whip up some much needed cash for the museum. Traffic going into Waikiki was horrendous (Saturday? go figure) so I got there a little late (Sorry, Waileia!) – I really should have known better. I managed to draw two pieces – an oni gnawing on a skull, and two nekomimi girls in a box. Both pieces sold almost immediately. Whee! Cade ended up with my last minute scribble “Tio Muerte contra El Prehensilo”, which was not ready for prime time. I am a little curious as to who bought my pieces… Continue reading ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’
Monthly Archive for August, 2010
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I was stuck on the freeway today. No, it wasn’t because it is “back to school” time. No, it wasn’t the accident or stalled vehicle at the bottom of the School Street on-ramp on the other side of the freeway. It was Mr. Pokey in the Sentra who forced his way in front of me from the Like Like on/Vineyard off then dropped down to 25-mph. At least 15 cars took advantage of his 10-second following distance in the few miles I was on the freeway, all the while the traffic in back of him got further and further behind. The other lanes of the freeway were moving at a good clip, so there was no opportunity to pull out and change lanes.
(0)That was fast! Just as I was hopping into car to move out of driveway, our maillady pulled up, gave a toot, parked, locked her front doors, and pulled a box out of the back of her truck. Could it be my parts already? The box looked smaller than I expected, but judging by how she moved, it had some heft. I’ll be darned, it was my order from Weir Performance! So what was in this box of goodies? Continue reading ‘KAAZ’
Sunday, 01 August 2010
Following a clear Saturday, Sunday broke clear, then flipped into alternating periods of rain and sun in increasing frequency. The call went out when it was sunny, but the clouds had closed in by ride time. Chris was champing at the bit to get on the bike, and Jeff and Root seemed enthused too. Ckucke texted me before roll-out time, asking about the weather. I walked outside, and after a brief inspection of the conditions I could actually see, I texted back that I thought “it would be OKâ€. When I left home, I could see Mt. ‘Olomana, but before I even got to Pali Highway, all had gone white and the roaring downpour began. I became skeptical about our chances of riding, but I figured I’d get a little closer to Waimanalo before calling it. As suddenly as it started, the rain stopped passing Castle Hospital. Ckucke had called to say he was running late, so I told him not to panic when all heck broke loose on the Pali. Waimanalo exists in its own microclimate and seemed to have missed the major precipitation. The edge of a rainsquall just caught us as we were gearing up to ride, but it soon passed and within moments, the sky was blue again and ground had dried out. The trail was much less forgiving: The areas under tree cover were damp, but not slick. Continue reading ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away’
The Monday after riding Ditch hungover, we took a run down St. Louis. After a hard charge down Upper Dumps and a grind back up to the dirt jumps, we headed down Mainline into the clear sunset. The light was pretty and made for nice photos, but it made riding challenging. Bright glare and dark shadows in the open areas forced the switch from visual cues to inertial guidance and memory going through the jumps and berms. Even so, there was a good flow going on. Somewhere along the last pitch, Ckucke got a pinch flat and had to run out the finish. Dinner was at the Vietnamese place on the top of Wai’alae. Root and I ordered stuff with vermicelli, but got stuff with rice. Oh well. At least they got the “stuff” part right…
Pictures here
D = 4.54 km (2.82-miles), Vavr = 12.2 km/h (7.5-mph), Vmax = 36.7 km/h (22.8-mph), T = 23-minutes