In the course of the week, I found some conrete anchors in stainless steel that will work. Drop in style which are shallower, but I needed to go up a size to somewhat match the weight holding capacity. Saturday Derek came over to resume this project and we proceeded to drill out the first hole to the larger size needed.
And here I am being the epoxy ninja cutting a portion of this epoxy Tootsie roll putty to plug up the bottom of the hole we drilled all the way through. Some tacky and stinky stuff. The first anchor goes in and we pound it home. After this is in we drill the other four holes. Concrete dust makes a very effective clogging agent that quickly plugs up my shop vac, but aside from this things go pretty well. Going with the upsized anchors and bolts, there now is very little room for error, but it looks like we got it right and one pilar is finally secured.
Secure enough for a monkey! We get the one center anchor in for the other side, we lose light and time. And also the positioning comes into question. Things don’t seem to be square and measuring is making us confused. We call it a night, only half a lift installed. I suppose if you had half a car it could be used.
Sunday rolls around amd with a fresh day I look at the positioning again. It comes down to either moving and drilling a new hole for the second post, or leaving it where it is and having it symetric, but not square. Decide to go with that. So I finally start drilling the final set of holes. Someone didn’t mix the batter well when they poured this slab, I find all the rocks on this side, and it becomes a pain. The holes don’t want to stay where we want. When we’re done, it all adds up and no amount of jostling will get the holes to line up, a couple end up just way off. So it looks like I’ll have to modify the base plate. Denied yet again!
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