This Yebisu varietal is available year round, unlike the Kohaku and Silk seasonals, along with the standard Yebisu Premium lager and “The Hop” Pilsener. A dark lager, The Black pours slightly thicker than standard Yebisu or the Kohaku amber. The decoction seems to be slightly heavier, and as a result, the attenuation is lower which lends a slight sweetness – not quite a molasses sweetness as found in some darks, but more of a hint of kuromitsu or brown sugar. The color is very dark, even darker than coffee. The initial flavor is dominated by the smoky overtones of the dark roasted malt and the bitter of the hops, but the malt flavor comes forth in the middle followed by an even finish. There is no significant sweetness or floweryness from the hopping.  The head comes on strong at the outset, but disappears quickly. The carbonation didn’t seem particularly strong. Although I wouldn’t say this is my “go to beer” in the Yebisu lineup (that honor would go th the Kohaku and Silk in that order), it makes for a good change from the norm. Give one a try if you encounter the choice.
5% ABV
210-yen for the 350 ml can
Available in the JDM and certain areas of the USDM
Three out of four drunken monkeys
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