The dark version of Suntory’s premium Malts lager, this dunkel arrives with the same high quality ingredients and solid taste foundation. If given the choice between all the standard offerings from the major Japanese mega-breweries, I’ll usually reach for a Suntory Malts above all others. The moderate hoppyness and full malt flavor makes it my favorite. This dark version has a slightly different flavor than the regular Malts. The obvious difference is the smoky flavor imparted by the darkly roasted malt, but there is a hint of a sweet note, perhaps from a stronger decoction resulting in a less complete attenuation: I’m not convinced that the sweetness is from something different in the hopping, and the mouthfeel does feel a little thicker than regular Malts.  This dark is an interesting change from the regular Malts, so if you see one, give it a try!
5.5% ABV
Available only on the JDM
Three-and-a-half out of four drunken dunkel monkeys
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