These appeared on the Mil-Spec Monkey site over a couple of months, but Ckucke was putting a group order together and waiting for something to come back into stock, so I didn’t get my hands on one until now. A MOLLE-compatible trauma shear sheath is one of those things that a pile of people need and is painfully easy to design and build, but for some reason nobody had made up until this one came out. I was going to have Tactical Tailor make me a standalone shear sheath like the one that is built into the top of their First Responder Bag if I ever got around to emailing them a custom project, but since the Mil-Spec Monkey one came out, I don’t have to! Yay! On arrival, I saw a paper tag behind the MOLLE webbing, so I yanked it out. It was a Tactical Tailor build tag complete with TT part number – I really got what I had dreamed of. Continue reading ‘Mil-Spec Monkey Shear Pouch’
Monthly Archive for November, 2010
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These guys work crammed into a warehouse space on Ilaniwai Street (Tyke street off of Ward Ave) and seem to be the go to guys for hard to find parts for imports. Been trying to find replacement heater hoses for the FX16, and no one including Toyota has them or were willing to try and order them, except for Napa in Hawaii Kai. But actually Hawaii Kai is not convenient for me during the work week. Ended up finally at Hawaii Import Parts and right off the bat they knew it would be something that would be a little challenge. But he told me he could order them and they would take about two weeks, so the order is in, for two sets. The “store front” is a tiny space in front of the counter crammed full of parts and stuff cluttering the area, but these guys know their stuff. He found the radiator fan thermo switch too, $40 is much better than the OEM $150. I need to find a fan that will fit first though, so I passed on that, but I know they have it. They get all manner of chemicals too, bunch of euro stuff, and every color of RTV sealant that I didn’t know there was! Oh, and check out the “Costco” sized oil eater box if you’re there, called The Tanker at 16 quarts!
This is how they quarry for aggregate in the Marshall Islands. I’m pretty sure this is why good things turn into scrap metal almost immediately here. On the long road, there are numerous Cat and other excavator carcasses lying about.
OK, back at the begining of September (9/11!) I first met the seller of the latest FX16 and took a look at it. My initial inspection revealed some things. While clean, it was rougher than the advertised pictures revealed. It was actually a month later, prodded by the insane amount of fun rally-cross was, that I actually bought it. In the month since then there have been more revelations.
A few weeks ago, in the gravel lot next door to the work office, I noticed a new lunch wagon opened up. I popped over to check it out, it was gourmet grill cheese sandwiches, called Melt. At the time I was looking for something to supplement food I had brought from home and this didn’t sound like it would go too well. I figured to try it at a later date. Earlier this week I purposely did not bring home lunch planning to try it, only to find no one at the truck. Heynow, what the heck?! Tried again today. Dunno if this is supposed to add to the hipster vibe or what, it seemed half the clientel were being mod and dare I say looked like they should have fixie friends. The concept feels mainland city, like LA or NY. Continue reading ‘Melting’
I should probably explain the title of my earlier post. Through those convoluted paths that conversations often take, we found ourselves outside that earlier review Mexitlan Grill wondering about the composition of the Japanese word “benpi” and the “ben”. Benpi is constipation in Japanese.
We figured it was the same “ben” as in “benjou”. I looked it up in the dictionary on my iPhone, and much to our surprise, it came up with the kanji compounds as “convenience” and “secret”. So it turns out the “ben” is also the same as in “benri”. We found this pretty odd. It turns out this same kanji also can mean feces. That makes complete sense, but two have these two very different meanings for the same kanji seemed pretty wierd. I’m used to seeing a word that sounds the same but having different meanings and different kanji, but not this way around. Anyway, now you know!