I was forwarded info to article in paper about the TV show Off The Map currently shooting in Hawaii was looking for vehicles for a scene in their season finale. Criterion was beat looking vehicles as this show is supposed to take place in the jungles of South America. Well people, do I have the vehicles for you? Within hours of submitting these pics to their casting dept, they called me saying they’d love to have them. But I gathered from the descriptions and what they said, they wanted people to drive to the shoot and man the vehicles for the scene, which is supposed to be a traffic jam during a festival. It would have been amusing to do, but they are shooting this Monday at Kualoa ranch, something I couldn’t swing. Oh well, next time, I’m not too heartbroken over missing chance to be in this show. If it were Hawaii 5-0 I might have considered it more. It seems to pay more to NOT fix up my vehicles. Guess it’s not easy to get that authentic patina!
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