Mr. Scat Spark Licka cruised on over this afternoon for a day of car stuff. No grease monkey today, today we’re going to mess with bodywork. We whiled away the first part trying to figure out how to fabricate a engine underbody gravel pan for the rally FX16. As we were leaving for City Mill to see if they had some appropriate sheet metal, Ckucky and Dave showed up after their session at the shooting range. Man, how macho manly can you get, go shoot some guns in the morning, then some welding on a car in the afternoon. Of course Dave with his iced mochaie espresso coffee thing and the fact that we we’re doing this and ignoring that there was some kind of sporting event going on kind of ruins that image. While wandering around the City Mill not finding a quite big enough piece of sheet metal, the display of shiny stainless steel sinks on a far wall caught me eye. Somehow I made the connection that those sinks had the same kind of shape in the corner that was giving us so much problems figuring out how to fabricate for my engine pan. I jokingly mentioned it to Scat, who then not so jokingly said that it sounded like a good idea. We checked out the display and eyeballing things looked like it just might work! They’re not exactly cheap though, Scat suggested maybe finding a scrap one somewhere. Then I remember Ckucky had one he was trying to give away months ago. Hmmm, he just got back to me with dimensions a few minutes ago, it just might work! Stay tuned to see if I actually end up bolting the kitchen sink to my car!
Next up we turned our attention to Scat-man’s ride. He was eyeing removing some trim and replacing some. Started picking at, and then prying at the side trim and finally pulled them off. We had pretty much gone beyond the point of turning back now, so started cleaning it off to weld up the holes. I managed to blow some good holes on my first attempt. Adjusted the welder and we managed to fill the other holes decently. Some were pretty gloppy and ugly, but after grinding will be workable. We also ran into some of the old school lead work on the body. In all, it was a pretty satisfying afternoon.
Are you guys *sure* you dont want this scrap metal from computer cases? Bulk pickup isnt for another couple weeks….