Found something new at Foodland, this blonde Belgian. Pours a clear medium light yellow with strong head that persists. The strong carbonation gives a crisp initial, but there is a fairly heavy syrupy mouth feel. Can kind of taste the higher alcohol content, its stated on label at 6.6%. I understand its actually one of the lightest of the Leffe’s. There’s a bit of pungent aroma and taste from the spice. Reading up a bit on these, they are inspired by Trappist Ales, but commercially mass produced. This is an interesting beer, I suspect people will either find it intriguing and like it, or be turned off by it. To me, it’s more a sipping beer. If anything I think it gets better as it warms, the flavor changes and the spices come and blend better. 3 Belgian monkeys out of 4 here.
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