No, really people. I heard the lady, and she even said it in Japanese! In fact, she ONLY said it in Japanese! As I wait near the gate in the waiting room, I watch all the anxious people milling about the gate. There are a few tour groups, and their companion guide is even telling them, “please, go sit back down until they call your row,” but they insist on clogging up the area in front of the gate entrance. At every instance when a slightly different announcement comes over the PA, whether it be for premier members or parents with young children, they start the push again. There is no way I could be a guide because I’d be all like, “F**k, are you m**herf**kers all like f**king stupid or something? Sit the f**k back down!” Samuel L. Jackson as a tour guide…
Two seniors in wheelchairs are loaded, followed by the call for parents travelling with young children, specifically noted as under three. After the throng has been pushed back by their guide yet again, several families with stroller-aged kids get to the gate, but a local group with a 5-year-old girl try to use that as a pretense to get their whole entourage in, but they are turned back at the gate, the holdup preventing at least one couple with two legitimately aged kids from boarding early. Good job people. Live Aloha.
I wait for my row to be called, and I get in with no issue beyond getting stuck in the jetway behind the group seated further back than me. I make it into my seat long before the pushy tour group and the sneaky family get aboard, even with them in the same section as me.
Thats one benefit of having that “1” seating area designation.