OK, today was the fourth ever Hawaii SCCA Rallycross, and like usual it was a blast! None of the forecast showers reached us at Kalaeloa. I made it to the event with the rally FX after a midnight wrench session, actually I beat midnight by 15 minutes, but had to wait for battery to charge. On the drive out, the car seemed to be running well. No warning lamps, alternator & battery seem ok, the engine hesitation & missfire seems to have gone away after driving the week & dumping some fuel injector cleaning stuff in.
Sun was already up by the time I made it there. The air was nice and cool, but windless, and not a cloud in the sky. Helped with some setup. We pretty much had the usual suspects, gaggle of Subarus, a Miata, Civic, Jetta, Toyota longtravel pickup, and myself. Ground looks to be shaping up decent, the recent rains looks to have stiffened up the dirt some, and there’s grass/weeds growing all over! I run second heat, and it is slick from the water truck wetting down the track. Super slide-o uncontrol-o action! I get through the first half of the course and then hear a real ugly flappy thunky sound. WTH? I slow down wondering if I’d snapped a drive shaft, but the car still drives. Huh? I finish out my run cautiously slow. I examine the car, but see nothing obviously wrong. Weird. Continue reading ‘Mud Slinging’