Last variety from this latest Samuel Adams variety pack (I’ve reviewed the Scotch Ale earlier, and it is again my favorite of the pack), pours with weak head, clear medium dark amber. There’s a fair amount of floralness in the initial taste, and a fairly strong bitter. Just a hint of smokyness. I’m a little undecided on this beer, not one of my favorites, but not a bad beer. But given a choice, I probably would get something else. 2.5 out of 4 revolting monkeys?
Monthly Archive for February, 2011
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So what was that about Ckucky’s kitchen sink? Well, I picked it up from him early this week, and darned if it looks like the size is almost perfect! To give you an idea of just what I’m trying to do, here are some pics:
The black plastic thing is the original engine splash cover that we are trying to replicate, sitting on top of the kitchen sink. Looks promising!
Oh, and welcome to Root’s garage of dead alternators. The bizzarre demon possessed behaviour of the rally FX was due to to a bad alternator. Something inside seemed to have shorted the weeks ago I first wondered about when I smelt burning electrical and saw smoke coming from the alternator area. It was just before our snowboard trip so after making sure it wasn’t about to catch fire, I forgot about it until now. I finally took a closer look at it, first off the battery was deader than dead, only about 3V. I went to my spare parts pile, looks like I’m down to my last alternator, the other two I know are bad. I swapped out alternator, swapped out to a good battery, and lo and behold, the car runs fine. We shall see if it I get this all together in time for the next rally, and if it’ll hold up!
Found something new at Foodland, this blonde Belgian. Pours a clear medium light yellow with strong head that persists. The strong carbonation gives a crisp initial, but there is a fairly heavy syrupy mouth feel. Can kind of taste the higher alcohol content, its stated on label at 6.6%. I understand its actually one of the lightest of the Leffe’s. There’s a bit of pungent aroma and taste from the spice. Reading up a bit on these, they are inspired by Trappist Ales, but commercially mass produced. This is an interesting beer, I suspect people will either find it intriguing and like it, or be turned off by it. To me, it’s more a sipping beer. If anything I think it gets better as it warms, the flavor changes and the spices come and blend better. 3 Belgian monkeys out of 4 here.
Just talked to doc, surgery sounds like it went well. The bones pretty
Messed up, but they got it to point where passages for bowel is clear now, which was most pressing concern. Next good mews was she showed signs of nerve response in her left leg so they did not amputate. Have to see how it progresses but doc was quite pleased. And lastly she’s melted the hearts of everyone there, the doc, who’s style is pretty clinical in the conversations I’ve had was positively gushing on how great she was and such an angel putting up with the procedures and still purring away.
Hopefully Musubi you pull through this and only you color will be what your name is for, not that you’re three sided.
Scored this from Dave over at Power Edge on Monday at the grand opening of their new store off of Kona Street. Thanks Dave! I feel priviledged to be one of the few who possess his custom-made brain-eating zombie Cookie Monster patch!
Heading up Ward today a couple of cars behind a State Sheriff’s Department vehicle, and he stops in the middle of the intersection at Beretania, turns on his rooftop flashy light, and gets out of the car all haughty and disgusted looking. He leans down and picks up the remmnants of one of the contra-flow lane signs that someone has summarily destroyed and tosses them onto the sidewalk at the corner by the Honolulu Academy of Arts. Great. Clear a road hazard by creating a hazard for pedestrians on the sidewalk? Genious.
(0)Needing a cure for the letdown from last weekend’s failed ride, we headed out to the Ditch on Saturday afternoon. Kona weather brought thick, hazy air and almost nonexistent winds. On the drive to Waimanalo, it didn’t feel so bad, but once the ‘Cruiser stopped, the true depth of the humidity became apparent. Nobody was around, which surprised me, since I’m usually not the first to show up (although usually not the last either – that’s Root’s job). I got my stuff ready while watching three recently abandoned kittens going about their daily routine. When Jeff, Sara, and Danny showed up, they said Root had texted them to say that his brake pad had delaminated, so was off to find some epoxy to remedy the situation. Since it was clear that Root would be late, they took their time. Thanks for letting me know, guys! Continue reading ‘What?’
Noble Pils is another selection from the latest Samuel Adams variety pack. Pours with a fairly small head, medium light amber. Carbonation stays and gives it a pretty crisp feel. There is a pretty strong but not overwhelming bitter throughout that gives it a further “karakuchi” dry taste. The floral of hops is there, but not that strong, and none of the skunkyness I dislike in many pils styles. It’s certainly drinkable, but my preference run toward darker brews and I like to taste a bit of nuttyness. It would prob make a good otsumami beer, good to have with snacky bits. It almost ranks a 3 out of 4 noble monkeys.
Verdict is in, Musubi got mushed by a vehicle. Significant pelvis fracture, surgery, plates & screws will be involved. We can rebuild her, at a cost of course! Not quite six million dollars. There’s a good chance she will lose the leg. The good news is it appears her internal organs avoided trauma so the injury looks to be non life threatening if treated. Her youth and disposition is also in her favor. Everyone loves her because she such a sweetie and easy to deal with.
At vet with Musubi cat again. Last saw her Sunday night of the rains. Dad found her this afternoon under mockoranges near my room. Getting X-rays right now. Doc thinking might have been encounter with car. Seems to have nerve damage, left hind leg no sensation. Guess she did get into something, not taken in by somebody.
Geeze, she’s not even a teenager yet and getting into all this trouble.