Soul Trex

There has been a bit of an outdoor store void on ‘Oahu since the first iteration of Powder Edge went under.  The zombie reincarnation of Mauka to Makai was a faint shadow of what the original store was, and that wasn’t really all that great to begin with.  Today, Chris told me that a new outdoor store had opened in Windward Mall, and I stopped in this evening to check it out.  Like Chris had mentioned, from the store name and signage alone, one might think that it was a Native or Jah-waiian lifestyle store, but looking inside immediately laid this notion to rest.  They have a reasonable range of outdoor gear from major brands, encompassing hiking, camping, climbing and general outdoor goods.  Tell me of somewhere else where you can retail a Petzl climbing helmet or Black Diamond harness on ‘Oahu!  In the back, they actually have a small indoor climbing wall.  It’s limited in height, since it is a retail store, but some parts have a negative angle for traversing fun.  Pricing is mostly MSRP, but nothing quite beats the hands-on buying experience for certain parts of outdoor kit.  They actually have some clothing items for 20% off right now.  The owner/manager told me that they have been open for about three months.  Check them out the next time you happen by Windward Mall - they’re on the second floor of the theater wing near HIC.


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