I’ve been on a push to finish one side of the Tin Roof 510 floor so I can attempt to use up the rest of my can of POR-15 that has sealed itself up after its first use.
Tip for if anyone uses this stuff, try to plan to use it all up the first time you open. Even if you follow the directions and try to keep the lip of the can clean of any POR-15, the lid will still seal itself closed if you recap it. The stuff is tenacious. I read later a tip advising using two pieces of plastic wrap under the lid. Maybe that would help. Anyway, yesterday I finished the welding of the interior front left side floor. The rear seemed to be pretty intact so my plan was to clean it and POR15 it. In the process of cleaning though, some of the rust did perforate. Damn. Busted out the tin snips and welder and I would like to say I zapped in a couple patches. Unfortunately it became a bit more work as I burned more holes and added more little patches and gobs of weld. Yuck, guess really should have made a large patch. Dunno how well this will hold up. I guess this will do for now. Oh, and this is the easy side!
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