About three hours before flight time, the counter finally opened. The staff was all ANA employees. I got omiyage with no problems and it all fit in my X-Ray. Immigration went smoothly as usual, and I got some angry oyaji sushi from Ganko and a large iced cafe mocha from Tully’s. The sushi was not terrible, considering this is a chain restaurant, and the coffee also not terrible. I wouldn’t rank Tully’s above CB&TL or Lion, but it is better than Starbuck’s swill.
I changed from Patagonia and TAD technical guy to undercover jenas and collared shirt then went to the gate. There aren’t too many people here now, so I hope it is not a full flight. I think the equipment is the same as I came in on, but I’ll have to check on that later. I think the cabin crew is different. The baggage is loading now, and they are announcing the flight now. I’ll see you on the other side.
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