I’d gotten tunnel vision with this water pipe thing repeatedy bashing and zapping the thing. Both Dave and Chucky came up with the solution of cutting the pipe and replacing the offending section with hose. Doh! Simple and effective. I was even able to take the pipe to Napa and they found a close match of the curves in a preformed hose, nice! My only concern was retaining the hose onto the cut sections of pipe, usually there are flares of some type to help keep hoses from blowing off fittings. My first attempt was to solder a ring of heavy wire to the end. That met with failure. Perhaps needed to get even more aggresive with the grinding and get it cleaner, but it wasn’t looking promising. A search of the Net came up with a couple solutions. One was to run a bead of weld. I could do that. Another was to find a cheap Chine sheet metal bead roller and mod it. Of course could fork out the dinero for a real pipe bead roller. But the other method using a homebrew tool to “roll” a bead looked interesting. It involves sacrificing a Vice-grip, or suitable China substitute (although even Vice-Grip brand ones are made in China now) and moding the jaws to approximate the action of a bead roller. The simplest I saw was to weld two lumps on one jaw, and a single meshing lump on the opposite jaw. The next was to take a exhaust tubing clamp of the correct side and welding it to one side jaw, and a thick washer to mesh in the groove in the other jaw. From the pictures, that seemed top work pretty well, but the washers were reported to often fail. I then found someones solution to that was to use a woodruf key. Continue reading ‘Ghetto Fab’
Monthly Archive for September, 2011
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To give some details to yesterdays car nuttyness, four red light runners, one with a blue & white a little behind me but he may not have seen it, bummer. Left turn from Piikoi under the freeway old guy in right lane crosses the solid marked curve into my lane & I have to slam on brakes, and then maybe 50 yards down someone crosses the solid white from left into my lane. Pickup zips along then crosses the solid/median at last minute cutting in front of me at the Pearl ridge/Moanalua Rd exit. Supertailgate pickup coming down Pali townbound, and then seeing coming across motorcycle rider with passenger laid down on the median at the Nuuanu exit. Lucky for them those markers are flexy poles and they laid it down before the raised median! And finally almost back to office, governement use lisence plate hybrid Ford Fusion with large MMA diecut stickers on rear window driving like an asshat!