Hm, I’m not sure if this counts as another life down for Musubi cat, but I took her into the vets on Wednesday to have them take a look at a scratch she got on her face from some other cat. I remember how the other scratch she got became an abscess and her first -1 life. Vet prescribed some antibiotic and since it was a long time we decided to give her some vaccination shots. All seemed good and I was able to feed her the antibiotic pill hidden in a food treat packet with no problems. Then later that night she vomited, not a happy cat. She didn’t seem to be in any extreme distress though, so I waited until next morning. Wondering if the pill was reacting badly. Called the vet office next morning and made an appointment. Musubi didn’t seem to be showing a serious allergic reaction, but she wasn’t eating. That afternoon took her in and vet examined her. Her temperature was running high, high enough to be of concern. They immediately worked to cool her down by applying alcohol soaked towels & ice pack which she didn’t really take to. I think administering  subcataneous saline to her is what really helped.
On life -2 Musubi had received the same antibiotic with no problems, so it was determined that she was having an adverse reaction to the vaccination. She’s doing much better now, but still hasn’t eaten all that much. Trying to restrict her to wet food as she really needs the hydration.
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