Having just gotten back to Hawaii from Japan on Saturday the 24th. and having exploded my lower back on my first day back at work, I wasn’t quite ready to do anything other than lie down until Wednesday. The weather was not bad, so I took a spin on the bike. I tried pushing some intervals, cycling through “hardâ€, “harderâ€, and then recovering on “easyâ€. Along my circuit, there was a black polyethylene cloth construction barrier along the sidewalk. Each time I passed, a little mongoose was poking his head out from the corner, watching for doves or chickens to prey on. Never saw him get anything. Didn’t run his head over either (not like that squirrel in Whistler). The ride actually did my back some good – loosening it up and stretching it out.
D = 11.86 km (7.37-miles), Vavr = 17.5 km/h (10.9-mph), Vmax = 48.1 km/h (29.9-mph), T = 41-minutes
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