Last Sunday’s Kamilo’iki hike opened up a failure point on my old Danner 453 boots. On one of the stairstep descents, the rough lava rock grabbed the rubber outsole at the heel and tore it loose. They’re almost exactly 4 years old, so that’s a pretty good service life I’ve gotten out of them. The outsole at the heels are worn flat, and the EVA midsole is packed out, but until this event there was no impending sign that the outsole or midsole was going to delaminate or worse yet crumble to powder. The outsole was still soft and grippy – it hadn’t hardened slick and begun to crack. I defenitely got my money’s worth out of these, unlike my previous two pairs of Salomons that failed prematurely for one reason or another. I guess I could try reglueing the loose flap, but it’s time to retire these with dignity. Wonder what I’ll get to replace them?
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