Dunno if can attribute it to APEC, but had a total idiot driver in Sentra, no lights on, glow of navi on windscreen, turns left cutting off oncoming traffic by going on left/wrong side of road in order to make the turn behind pedestrians who were smack dab in the right side of road!
(0)Monthly Archive for November, 2011
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So I dunno if Halloween now heralds in the holiday season, but it sure seems to have herald in the crazy traffic and idiot driver season. Traffic this past week suddenly got maddening, and so did idiot dirvers. I like the person who got the lane change sequence totally backward. It’s signal intention, look, then iniate lane change, when clear. Not initiate lane change, look, swerve to avoid car, then signal intention! Oh, and this coming week should be fun with the APEC convention too!
(0)Saw a beat-up BMW Z3 roadster at New Eagle Cafe on Nimitz, vanity plate “PDLGRL”. Piddle Girl? She should go hang out with “JZZMAN”…