So the new season is starting up, and with the growth of Crunchyroll, a lot of it is legitimately available to us at the same time! So then I’ll give my views on these shows based on the one or two episodes I have seen so far (Risu also).
Another – Middle school aged boy, due to father’s work overseas, arrives from Tokyo to a rural town that he had connection to in the past. He ends up in hospital before he has a chance to go to the school he is newly transfered to, and get a visit from his future classmates. They’re behaviour is a bit odd, but they seem nice enough. When he finally does get to school, he meets a loner of a girl with, yes, an eyepatch. Arr. Streaming on CR.
root: yes, it sounds a lot like Higurashi, but it doesn’t have the cute happy anime start that that began with. The BG art is pretty stunningly “nice” and does much to set up the atmosphere. It’s almost like Makoto Shinkai does horror with it’s detail and lighting. The animation itself actually doesn’t have a whole lot going on, but its used well enough that I didn’t really notice. There’s enough to keep me interested to see more, but somehow it doesn’t quite grab me, perhaps a lack of characterization. 2.5 out of 4 gantai monkeys.
risu: what’s with dams and spillways this season? So far, I’ve counted three properties that have images of dams, two within the first minute of the first episode! Is this like Anno Hideaki and powerlines? This one is the first one, starting out with a fade in on a dam with a voice over as its opening scene. I guess this is this year’s horror property. This one portents to be more creepy and disturbing along the lines of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni rather than being somewhat tinged with cuteness like Ookamikakushi or almost comedic in its use of cut-out archetypes like Shiki (I actually found Shiki to be more comedy than horror). BG and character artwork are both good. The director and character designer have worked on numerous projects before, but nothing really that has the same or similar feel to this one. I’m looking forward to more. A-
Zero no Tsukaima F – in season one of this property, a teen tsundere witch summons a human boy to her parallel world during a rite to find her familiar. Now on its fourth and final season, he is now a knight, and the consequences of her rare void magic are about to culminate in a final showdown.
risu: Geneon and Funimation released the first season of this franchise on the USDM, but due to slow sales, the license expired and the second and third seasons were never released. “F†is the fourth television season, so if you haven’t seen the two intervening seasons, you may feel that you have missed something. For the most part, the majority of characters will be familiar, and the characters that were introduced in seasons two and three are not too difficult to figure out – in other words, you won’t break your brain going into season four having only seen the first. It’s not unlike Slayers where if you missed a season or saw them out of order, you wouldn’t be totally lost. Comparing the first season to this fourth, the backgrounds are about as “kiddy anime†as before, but the character animation is done a little better, especially action/fighting scenes. Not a whole lot has changed character dynamic-wise since season one, so unless you really liked the original series, you might want to give this a pass, otherwise, it’s worth a watch-through. It’s enough that Kugimiya Rie does Louise’s voice to keep me watching.  C+
Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai (“Listen to Me, Girls, I’m Your Father”) – guy moves away from home to start college. He ends up being the vicitim of an attempt to extort him into the strange “Sightseeing Club”, one member being a buxom girl that had caught his attention. His sister, his only remaining family it seems, then calls on him to babysit her three daughters, two which are stepdaughters. And yes, the eldest one has a crush on him. And yes, he does the cliche walk in on her changing in the bathroom bit. Streaming on CR.
root: the art is pretty nice, decent animation, appealing character designs. There’s a lot of cliche going on, but I’m finding the show entertaining. I’m sure some people will be turned off by the loli fanservice, but you’re talking to someone who enjoyed Kodomo No Jikan. The sister talk of family values foreshadows whats going to happen with him & nieces. Anyway, I want to see more. 3 out of 4 rosy kneed monkeys.
risu:  whoa… this one might be treading the same line that Kodomo no Jikan did, and what people who only read a synopsis would think that Astarotte no Omocha did (but really didn’t). A college freshman who was originally supposed to watch his three nieces for the weekend ends up in custody of them when their parents go missing in an airline incident. Although the director and character designer didn’t work on Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise, this has somewhat the same visual feel. I’m guessing the story will end up not being as risqué as it outwardly seems, and will play out somewhat like Tenshi no Shippo. Based on a light novel series. Worth a watch-through. B-
Brave 10 – sengoku jidai based on historical figures, loosely. Wandering ronin finds himself reluctantly aiding the sole surviving priestess of a Izumo shrine. She gloms onto him perceiving him as strong, which he is, but he doesn’t want anything to do with her. He ends up getting her to Ueda castle, where she finds no help. They are once again set upon by baddies which this time sets off a rather malignant power in Isanami. And so the first four of the Brave 10 have met so far. Streaming on CR.
root: pretty decent art, often times its a bit dark to see, but that’s intentional. Character designs are ok, male characters border on shoujo, the priestess looks like she stepped right out of Full Metal Panic. Pretty decent animation, I’ve seen better fighting sequences, but it got the job done. The reluctant hero and annoying charge shtick has been done before. The show isn’t bad, I’ll keep watching a bit more unless something better occupies me or I loose interest. 2.4 out of 4 anachronistic ninja monkeys.
risu:  another anachronistic take on some historic figures and events but in a heavily fictionalized story, in this case the Sanada Juuyuushi, a legendary group of 10 ninja who assisted Sanada Yukimura in his fight against shogunate forces during the siege of Osaka-jou. Having only seen the first episode, I don’t really know if the series will culminate with that actual battle (which is pivotal to the existence of the 10). It is spread heavily with pretty men (I’m sure that Tarepandahi will enjoy this one), but unlike the recent Nakajima Atsuko-designed Shinsengumi property, it isn’t as “yaoi†in feeling, and there is also a ditzy girl and probably a badass “onechan†character, so guys can feel comfortable watching it.  The male characters do like to fight amongst each other and have shown no interest in the female character, so maybe it will turn out to be disturbingly shounen-ai later. Time will tell. Worth a watch-through. C+
Ano Natsu de Matteru – first year high school student is standing on bridge checking things out with his Single 8 camera. In a flash & explosion he’s blown off the bridge, then awakens in his room with only vague memories of the event and someone grabing his arm. The next day at school his friends are discussing thoughts of making a movie over summer break. Now enter the mysterious beautiful awkward transfer student, whom he feels drawn to. On a whim they ask her to be in their movie, and to everyone’s (except us) surprise she accepts. Later, on his way home, he runs into her and ends up inviting her to stay at his house. The way it’s done does acknowledge the total cliche. And this sets up the cliche embarassing scene at the closing. Streaming on CR.
root: nice art all the way around, BGs are lavish, character designs nice, good animation. The opening monologue on death pretty much sets up the show and where its heading. The alien girl rescuing collateral damage is nothing new. The characters of the friends are all pretty stereotypical. It does feel a lot like AnoHana from a few seasons ago with its style. With all its cliches it doesn’t feel as fresh as AnoHana did, but everything is done well that I’m enjoying it. 3.5 out of 4 messy haired monkeys.
risu: I was originally reluctant to watch this one based on the title, description, and the frame capture images, but I’m glad I gave it a try. Somewhere between Birdy The Mighty and Onegai Teacher!, this coming-of-age story takes a slightly different take on the basic premise of Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai and substitutes in an extraterrestrial in place of a ghost. The basic story revolves around a group of high-schoolers making a film during their summer break. The unnatural part is the protagonist was accidently killed by the primary female character when her ship crashed into the reservoir where he was taking some test shots (here’s dam number 2). Like in Ultraman or Birdy, she repairs/resurrects him (but doesn’t share a body with him – whew). The animation character designer/animation director and director are the same for both properties, so you will find them visually similar. The original character design and story concept was done by Uon Taraku who of course did the Onegai! properties. You can see some of the standard Uon character archetypes: Takatsuki Ichika = Kazami Mizuho/Miyafuji Miina, Mio = Onodera Karen, Yamano Remon = Morino Ichigo. Actually, the whole Remon/Ichigo (Yamano Remon, “lemon of the mountainâ€/Morino Ichigo, “strawberry of the forestâ€) thing with the same CV actress and the character having the same school uniform in both properties was probably done as a inside joke or tie-in. Like in Ano Hana, the backgrounds are awesome and well resolved, and I’m fairly sure they represent an actual location. Similar to the Nagano countryside depicted in the Onegai! properties, this story takes place in a rural rice-growing alluvial plain. Another Onegai! tie in is the opening theme has lyrics written by Kotoko, who did the vocals and lyrics for both the Onegai! properties. Very good. A- (it would have scored higher if it wasn’t such a “formula†property).
Recorder and Randsell – a gradeschool boy who looks like a salaryman, and his highschoool aged sister who looks like a gradeschooler. Hijinx ensue. Streaming on CR.
root: there’s been myriad age-appearance juxtiposition anime with girls, but I can’r recall a male one , and not one with this combination, although it shouldn’t come as a great surprise. BG art is workable, character designs are kind of bland. The gags are good for some chuckles, but thats about it, and with the 3 minute format no way to develop a story. On the flip side, it’s only 3 minutes to waste, but if you’re going to do that, go watch Poyopoyo. 2 out 4Â really, I’m NOT in college monkeys.
risu: I guess this is sort-of the boy-version of Yoiko with the added twist of the adult-looking shogakusei shounen having a chugakusei older sister who looks like a preschooler. Not sure how long they can keep this funny or out of the, “I’ve seen this schtick before,†territory. I’ll give it more of a chance because Atsumi is voiced by Kugimiya Rie. C-
Inu X Boku Secret Service – girl from elite family moves into an exclusive housing complex where residents can have a “secret service” agent assigned to them. The reason she makes to herself for this is to be alone, to keep herself away from people until she overcomes her habit of puting up a superior and aloof attitude to others. Upon moving in she finds herself attached to a agent she did not ask for, who is unwaveringly and disturbingly devoted to her. When burglars posing as maintenance break in its revealed that everyone there are part demon/monsters. Streaming on CR.
root: art is decently passable, character designs not bad although I don’t know which way its going. The male designs have strong shoujo leanings, complete with poky hair and sparklies. But main female character looks like a loli Mio from K-On and has more than a few fanservicey shots. There is a fair amount of falling into SD mode. The animation for the most part is good. There’s enough here that I’ll keep watching, hopefully it doesn’t fall. 3 out of 4 confused genre monkeys.
risu:  if I had to sum it up in terms of previous properties, it would be like Inukami! and Kanokon for girls. The setup is somewhat reminiscent of Otome Youkai Zakuro, with the pairing of characters. A waifish, goth-loli rich girl moves into an exclusive apartment building occupied by other eccentric bourgeoisie and their respective bodyguards. The apartment is purported to be haunted, and events ensue that hint that at issue may not be the building itself, but the tenants themselves. This project is the director’s first job at the helm, but the character designer/animation director has worked on Railgun, Okamisan, and Jigoku Shoujo, so the visuals may seem familiar. Although the story is essentially for girls, there is a fairly heavy dose of semi-nude shots of the heroine. A potentially interesting crossover property. B+
The Knight in the Area – sports anime about soccer, two brothers, the elder is a big high school soccer star, the younger a “manager” for the team. I don’t feel like going into more effort to describe. Streaming on CR.
root: I was never a fan of sports anime, but I have in the past watched and enjoyed a few. Adachi Kaoru’s work a good example as it’s driven by good story telling, not the sport. Unfortunately this is not one of them. There’s nothing outstanding in this show, art, character designs, animation all par for the course and average to below average. Too much exposition into technical points of the sport, predictable melodrama, all the stuff that makes me dislike the genre. And it’s not even cute girls. 0 out of 4 spikey haired monkeys.
risu: the description almost tries to make it out to be almost instructional. I can’t imagine a better way to make a sports anime more unwatchable. I couldn’t bring myself to press “play”. N (not watched, never will)
Mouretsu Pirates – In a future where humanity has spread out in the universe, these colonies broke away and sought independance from the main governing body. Not having enough military resources themselves, they issued Letter of Marque creating “legal pirates”. Sounds goofy, but in reality this sort of thing kind of happened in real history where governments issued that edict to privateers that allowed them to attack and capture ships under that governements auspices. The story opens 100 years after on a earthlike planet where an ordinary high school girl receives a visit from a pair that posses some odd questions. It turns out they are members of pirate ship who’s captain has just died. That captain is the girls father, and the only person allowed to succeed is a direct decendant. Of course she’s the only one. What will she do? A rather foregone conclusion here, but anyway, hijinx ensue. Streaming on CR.
root: art is pretty nice, character designs are a bit simple, but clean and nice, animation is decently good, not sure if I like the design of the spaceship, looking like they borrowed it from the Thunderbirds. Yes, the school girl captaining a space ship has been done many times. But she’s not a ditzy klutz, she actually is pretty appealing. Looks like this show is going to be pretty light hearted, and interestingly it’s pretty devoid of fanservice. I’m finding myself liking this more than I thought I would. Yeah, promo art & OP scenes has her with the full on pirate hat & coat, but no, she doesn’t have an eyepatch. 3 out of 4 monkeys, arr!
risu: another ensemble cast Satelite product. It’s sort of like the core theme elemnts of Outlaw Star and Plastic Little were mixed together and dropped into the Kiddy Grade setting. Although it doesn’t share any elements beyond the SF setting, the first episode has a similar feel to Sunrise’s Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo or Production I. G.’s Real Drive Sennou Chousashitsu: An average high school girl finds herself in a completely unexpected situation and has to come to terms with her new life and responsibilities. It’s not terrible, but it isn’t particularly original. The visuals are fairly good, but it seems to be lacking some “sparkâ€. One big let-down for me is the smallarms technology and usage. If it’s a beam weapon, why does it have a cartridge magazine, and why does one have to hold it at the hip to control the recoil? WTF?!?! They goof that up but get the zero-gravity stuff somewhat correct. This takes the place of Sacred Seven on my “things I may watch if I really have nothing better to watch and I’m really desperate for some anime†list. C
Poyopoyo – OL passes out on street after a night out on town & meets Poyo the round cat. Extremely round. She takes him home, hijinx ensue. Streaming on CR.
root: 3 min episodes, stylized art, animation, character designs. Quite cute & amusing. 3 minute happy time. 3 out of 4 round monkeys.
risu: it’s a cat. It’s round. It’s cute. This is outwardly and adaptation of a 4-koma shoujo manga, but it has appeal across all genres. Give your mind a break for a couple of minutes. B
Nisemonogatari – sequel to Bakemonogatari continues on with the characters with the male protaganist surrounded by the girls with paranormal problems. The jumpy cut editing, odd angles, dialogue all carry over. It will help to have seen the first series. Streaming on CR.
root: I think you could call this a harem anime, but unlike anyother. The art, animation are hardly straighforward, many would call it arty. Some might accuse the rapid cuts and editing as animation resistance, but the animation is actually quite good. Character designs are quite nice, fanservice is strong, but usually serves a point in the story. 4 out of 4 spazzmotic monkeys.
risu: the somewhat-less-serious sequel to Bakemonogatari. They are still trying to be all artsy with the overused and tired pattern, text, and blank color cuts, but it seems less intrusive than before. Maybe it’s because the storytelling is better this time around because they are actually concentrating on that as opposed to on being all visually avant-garde. It’s good to finally see Tsukihi and Karen as actual animated characters as opposed to just voices and scribbly caricatures on the episode previews. Was that a dam I saw in episode 2?!?! I liked the original, and I so far like the sequel a lot better. A-
Kill Me Baby – high school girl gag anime where friend is a high strung assassin. It’s cute girls doing cute things genre, except one is an assassin, another a ninja, and I’m sure other characters will show up. Hijinx ensue.
root: Stylized watercolor art is nice, character designs are cutesy SD, animation perfectly serviceable. Gags are pretty amusing and silly, nothing deep going on, nothing deep expected. 3 out of 4 dislocating monkeys.
risu: this one is missing something too, maybe because the premise is so contrived. The pencil sketch/Copic marker/crayon/stick pastel backgrounds (which are actually digital as opposed to actually being created with those media) have been around since before Crayon Shinchan are also somewhat jaded. Character animation is done well, but it is all rather cliched. I had slight hopes since the “deleted character” is voiced by Kugimiya Rie, but that character had no real screen time in the first episode (wow – is that three times I mentioned her?). I think they were hoping that this would be this year’s Nichijou. C-
High School DxD – this season’s big boobie fanservice show. Pervert boy in what was only recently an all girls school. Mysterious crimson haired girl in occult club. Cute shy girl from outside school approaches him to ask him out. At the conclusion of their first date, she transforms into a devil woman and kills him. Crimson haired girl apears and saves his life which transforms him with superhuman abilities and makes him her servant.
root: art is not terrible, character designs par for the course, animation average, except for the closing animation. Unfortunately cliches abound almost as much as bouncy boobies and panty shots. Not that things like that in of itself has ever scared us off, but this show brings nothing new to the table. It’s perhaps not as stupid as Queens Blade, but it’s not any more interesting. 1 out 4 undead monkeys.
risu: this is like Green, Green collided with Rosario + Vampire. Like properties like Freezing and Kampfer, this one also primarily relies on fan service over a good story. The core plot is very ordinary – I can already tell that there will be two supernatural women fighting over the protagonist for some mysterious but powerfull attribute he has. It doesn’t even have the benefit of awesome artwork like say Itsuka Tenma no Kurousagi, so there is nothing really there to hold my attention. I’ll give it another few episodes. C
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