I recently picked up a Garmin eTrex 30 GPS. It’s a good GPS for a good price, is easy to add maps to via a microSD card “slot” (not really a slot), and uses standard AA batteries or AA-sized lithiums or rechargables. The one thing that quickly became apparent while it was knocking around in my pants cargo pocket or chest rig pouch was that the lack of any key lock feature led to a random display every time I pulled it out, or random waypoints logged or purposely recorded ones deleted. The offender in this case was the multi-function toggle on the face of the unit. This toggle makes the navigation of the non-touch-screen eTrex very easy and intuitive, but it is easily actuated when the unit is on and put inside or against something.
My first solution was a piece of 1.2mm LDPE sheet with a hole for the toggle held onto the faceplate with 2mm double-sided foam tape. This worked fine to prevent the toggle from being accidentally actuated, but the 11mm hole was a little small to use the toggle with gloves on. The final version is made from 1mm Kydex held in place with 1mm 3M automotive trim tape courtesy of Root. The toggle opening is 14mm and has a 1.5mm collar to further recess the toggle. The larger diameter opening necessitated a small “wing” on the right side to provide a surface for the mounting tape. I contoured the wing to clear the printed “light” and “back” nomenclature on the case.
Briefly, to make the collar, make a jig consisting of a wood block (old formica-surfaced countertop scrap works good, or masonite glued over lumber) with a blind hole 6mm (1/4″) deep that is the outer diameter of the collar. Place a heated piece of Kydex over the jig topped with the foam forming piece, then clamp in vise to form a protrusion. When the Kydex cools, remove it and cut the top of the protrusion off to leave the collar. Cut the outside shape of the guard plate and relieve the edges, then heat the wing and upper edge of the plate to form it to the top contour of the GPS unit. Protect the surface of the GPS unit from scratches with masking tape during the entire process. Clean all surfaces with rubbing alcohol, let dry, and apply the tape to the underside of the guard. Carefully install guard. The tape is incredibly sticky, so you have one chance to put it down. If you put it down wrong, you may have to carfefully heat the Kydex and peel it away then roll the tape off the GPS and start all over again!
Difficulty: moderate to high
Tools required:
- heat gun
- various files
- hand saw for plastic
- drill bits and drill
- cylindrical punch or alignment tool
- Kydex shaping press (can make jig from high-density closed-cell foam and wood block
- vise or clamp-type work table
- wood or other block
Materials needed:
- Kydex or similar sheet
- 3M automotive trim tape
Time:Â several hours to build jigs and make part itself
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