As I watched the honolulu festival parade, I couldn’t help but listen to the asinine banter of the high school/early college aged girl. We’re we that stupid when we were kids?! It wasn’t even a cute kind of ditzy. Stupid with attitude. Yes, she was hot (but awful shoes) but that doesn’t make up for the stupid factor. Makes u worry about the worlds future. Damn I’m a crotchety old fart!
Kiko, at least I know not all kids are like that, your boys are fine. There is still hope!
Monthly Archive for March, 2012
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The 18th Honolulu Festival is ongoing this weekend, I only learned about it thursday morning when a blurb was read about it on the radio that I have set to wake me up. Otherwise I may have missed it, they seemed to have bypassed print ads. Drawn by the lure of air conditioning and easy access I went to check out the events held at the convention center today. In a little bit of a bummer, it seems most of the Japanese performers were at the other venues. It was still interesting. It did give me more of a chance to walk around and check out the booths set up, something I haven’t really done other years. Quite cool was the Nagaoka booth who this year is bringing their famed hanabi/fireworks for a Hawaii show. They were supposed to do it last year, but well, I think it’s pretty understandable when you remember what was going on in Japan this time last year. What was really cool aside from the mock up giant firework shells, was the sake samples. Free booze! And pretty good stuff at that! Continue reading ’18th Honolulu Festival’