I wonder if for every dozen packs of Leffe Blonde they get one of the Brune. The Blonde is being carried by many supermarkets now, I first saw it at Foodland. But then one evening I spotted a sixpack of the Brune. Unusual, but I had a full stock of beer already so passed. I have never seen it again. Fast forward a few months, I see that Safeway is carrying the Blonde also, and then wonders of wonder I spy a six pack of the Brune. I do not make the same mistake & grab it. Turns out it won’t even scan at the registers!
Anyway, on to the beer. This Belgian abbey ale pours a dark brown with a moderately strong head that persists. Can immediately detect aromatics and alcohol, even though the content is only 6.5%. There’s a fairly strong spicyness then a subtle roastyness and a pretty smooth bitterness. There’s a bit of the syrupy going on. I actually prefer this beer as it warms up, it seems to mellow it out. Not huge ABV numbers, but for some reason these Leffe’s kick my butt! 3 out 4 monatsic monkeys.
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