In cutting out the big ol hole for the battery box, I over shot on this edge.
I was left with plenty pieces of sheet metal to make a patch with. It’s always nice to patch with pieces of same metal, when the pieces are different thicknesses it can get tricky getting a good heat and speed in welding without blowing holes in the thinner piece. More guerilla body working as I hit the sheet metal as soon as I got home from work, trying to do all the noisy stuff early. Gas MIG welding isn’t too noisy so I was zapping away till pretty late, I think it was around 10:30 when I cleaned up for the night. Here’s the result:
It’s good enough to run for this Saturday’s rally. Now I just have to mount the battery and wire it in. I made the hole for the hold down threaded rod a little too close, so I’ll need to do something about that, but it looks like I can take care of this stuff Friday night, just in time! I think the hardest part is going to be finding a good grounding point.
It ain’t the prettiest job around, but I’m confident it’s pretty solid!
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