Unexpected late day at work on friday threw a monkey wrench into my plans. By the time I got fome & dinner was done, it was well into the evening. I wanted to finish the battery relocation by Saturday’s race. No heavy fabrication to do, but I ran into a snag that I didn’t have a 6mm bolt long enough for the battery hold down. Luckily I made it to Home Depot just in time & they just barely had a bolt long enough. So this is up front where the battery used to be. Mounted a power post I picked up from West Marine.
I routed the extension 2 gauge wire through the fender well to the power post. Things finally came together pretty well.
 The rubber terminal covers is a bit ugly, but oh well. Hidden under that second cover is actually a honking 150A fuse. Wow, the spare actually does still fit, as will the OEM jack!
Didn’t run into any major roadblocks at this point, but it was 2:00AM by the time I finished & cleaned up. Yikes, I need to wake up at 5:00 to get to the rally cross early enough!
The event was pretty good. We had a nice turnout, weather a bit hot, but enough of a breeze to keepthings manageable. Course was fast & short. The FX was performing well, I was consistently turning in some decent times. It feels like its easier to get the rear to swing out now. Could be my imagination, but that battery is honking heavy, I can see it having an effect. I even started getting adventurous & shifting to second gear instead of living at the rev limiter. Things were going well, until pop, sudden loss of power to wheels but engine still good. I broke the brand new Empi CV shaft. I guess the spec just can’t handle the LSD combined with rally tires.  I’ve got a feeler out to a company that makes heavy duty CV for offroad applications, and can do custom work.
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