Today was one of those days of realizing just how far along in life we are. Attended the service for Mr. Doran, a good teacher from high school. An outstanding teacher from high school. He is the reason I even remember any part of the Robert Frost poem I quote in the title. Much of the details of what I learned in his classes are lost in the haze of time in my brain, but I believe that time spent helped formed what I am today. He is forever Mr. Doran to me and so it came as a bit of a shock to hear of his passing. In my mind I see him as I knew him in high school, so this was a wake up call that time waits for no one. Mr. Doran, I hope you rest well knowing that you have been a positive influence on so many in this soceity, that your life’s endeavor as an educator was not for naught. The world has lost a valuable asset, for without education, we fall into chaos.
Mr. Doran, you have kept your promises, and done your miles, it is now time for your sleep.