Snow Peak stuff is supposedly designed to nest to maximize space effiiciency, but there isn’t a whole lot of information on their US distributor site on what fits in what. There is a little more information on the JDM site if you can read Nihingo, but nothing beats going to a fully-stocked Snow Peak store in Japan and playing with the stuff. The cookset nesting is fairly well documented – the Trek 700 or Solo fits into the Trek 900 which in turn fits into the Trek 1400 – but the mug fit is somewhat mysterious. Here are several combinations of mugs that fit within the Trek 700.
Titanium Double Wall 450 Mug, Titanium Double Wall 220 Mug, Giga Power Micro Max Titanium stove
This gives you two mugs with folding handles. If you max out the Trek 700, you’ll have enough water to overfill both mugs. The 220 is slightly small for USDM instant soup packets (Lipton, for example) that use 8-oz. of water, since that works out to 237ml, but it is perfect for JDM instant soup packets (Knorr, for example) that require 150ml/5-oz. You’ll have to use a storage sack for the stove, since the included plastic hardcase won’t fit in even the 450 mug (storage sack not shown for clarity). There is enough wiggle room for a small 35mm teaball and a reclosable bag of loose leaf tea in the 220 with the stove, and enough headspace above the mugs to fit a packet of instant soup under the Trek 700 cover.Â
Titanium Double Wall 450 Mug, Titanium Double Stacking Mug (Seppou)Â H300, Giga Power Micro Max Titanium stove
This gives you a large handled mug and a teacup without handles that’s larger than the 220 handled mug. Max volume in the Trek 700 fills the two mugs to a normal capacity. H300 is large enough for 8-oz. soups. Again, there is enough space for a teaball and tea in the 300 alongside the stove, and enough space above the nested mugs to fit a packet of instant soup under the Trek 700 cover.  If two cups aren’t enough for you, the tiny Ti Double Stacking Mug H200 will fit inside the H300 perfectly, but the stove will be a tighter fit, and there won’t be space for a teaball, although a teabag or two and soup packet will still fit.
Titanium Double Wall 450 Mug, Hario Caféor CFOD-1B paperless coffee filter
Good setup for coffee and instant oatmeal. Boil up a full Trek 700, filter coffee into the 450 mug, then use residual water for oatmeal in the Trek 700. The Caféor fits the 450 mug perfectly without the need for the included adaptor. Smaller mugs would need the adaptor, but wouldn’t be large enough to allow the Caféor to nest inverted. There is enough space under the Caféor for a reclosable bag of coffee grounds, and enough space around the filter cone for your oatmeal, though you may have to transfer it from the original package to a reclosable bag. The stove will not fit inside with the Caféor.
My favorite Finum size-M tea strainer (also sold as the MSR MugMate) fits all the mugs from 220 up to 450 with no problem, but the support ears are too wide to fit within the Trek 700.
In all these scenarios, the outer mug was the Titanium Double Wall 450. It would be nice if by sacrificing the handles a larger primary mug could be used inside the Trek 700, but the next larger size of Stacking Mug above the 450 size is the H600, which is to large to fit. That limits the maximum size to a 450, so given the choice between a handled 450 and a handle-less Stacking Mug H450, I chose the utility of the handles and the better fit of the Titanium Double Wall 450 Mug.
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