Popped into Mojo Tactical to visit Dave after I got back from Japan. He had these KFC parody patches in original color and subdued tan. Image is pretty good, but the subtext is somewhat forced …not particularly clever …okay, lame. Eh, it’s worth several laughs. Sort of makes me want to put a fully loaded plate carrier on one of the Colonel Sanders statues outside a restaurant and take a picture! Definitely can’t put a bump helmet on him unless you gut the foam, since his fiberglass hair is huge. Maybe a keffiyah would be better. Patch has a rude gesture, so it’s after the break… Continue reading ‘November Patches’
Monthly Archive for November, 2012
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Well now, what a surprise, guess who’s back? Another morning job on the Koko Crater stairs. Guess they needed to mix it up a bit and break uo the routine, this time around in addition to dropping off the stretcher to the ground crew,
HFD swung back and a guy did a rapel down the line! Hey man, gotta get everyone in the action as long as we’ve got this bird burning fuel, they came around again and did a second rapel!
Then they got the victim hooked up and pulled him/her out. Kinda wonder if this injury was a bit more serious than the others, they seemed to be taking it slower.
Sierra Nevada’s heffeweizen, pours a cloudy medium light amber with moderate head that quickly dissapates. Label claims its the only American open fermentated heffe. Bright and fairly citrusy tone, with a nice spicyness that’s not as strong as say Hoegarten. Pretty crisp mouthfeel but still has a heffeweizen feel. Pretty good stuff!
3 out of 4 yeast monkeys.