Having a brand spaking new car, I’ve been fairly picky about finding parking, but sometimes lots are pretty full without much choice. Last night stopped by Hawaii Kai to pick up something to eat. Figured it was going to be fast so I picked a stall near far end, but not the very end. It was next to a nice BMW so I hopped less risk. Imagine my horror as I was walking back to my car, the BMW was gone, and some guy was attempting to pull into the end stall with some Buick/Chevy Centuryish thing of recent vintage. He was repeatedly bashing against the end curb trying to turn in, car bouncing around as it started to climb up. Thankfully he gave up, maybe because he saw me, and went to find another stall. Shake your head moments, like seeing a VW Beetle with scraped side. Makes you believe that people really do need back-up sensors on a Smart car.
And check out the site yourparkingsux.com for more examples of great parking skillz!
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