I noticed a crack on the front edge of the gas pedals of my 08/09 Burton Doom bindings on the first day of riding this Thanksgiving weekend at Solitude. I figured the plastic was getting old and just ignored it. At the end of the second riding day, the left gas pedal actually fell off when I unstrapped my boot. This was moments after performing a field-expedient repair on Fabio’s binding strap. I kind of jammed it back in in hopes it would stay in place from the toestrap pressure, but by the bottom of the hill, it was gone to parts unknown.  It was the end of the day, my board had taken some major hits, and I was tired, so I didn’t think too much of it. We spun by REI to look for replacement bits on the way home. Fabio found a replacement strap segment, but there were no gas pedals as parts. That ended up being the last riding day of the trip, so I figured I would try to resurrect the bindings with donor parts, or get new bindings when I got home.
The gas pedals from my 03/04 Mission Dooms were all oily/sticky and crumbled to bits when touched. The gas pedals on my 05/06 Missions were still flexible and were physically identical to the ones on the 08/09 Dooms, so I threw those on and all is good again. I can finish up this season on these bindings and get some new Cartels next season. I’d get something on closeout this season, but seeing as how the lifetime limitation is on the age of the plastic parts, no sense get something that will have one less year of usage when I put them into service next season.
This is all that was left of the left gas pedal!
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