Latest SA seasonal, pours a somewhat cloudy yellow with fairly strong head that quickly subsides. Faint floral with a citrusy brightness. A little bitterness comes through, but not strong and does not linger long. I can detect a touch of skunkiness that I did not taste in the first bottle I had a couple days ago. Carbonation is not too strong, mouth feel actually a touch heavier than I would have expected from a beer of this color, but not heavy by any means. A very easy drinking beer. Oddly this second bottle doesn’t fill me with as much joy as the first one I had. I was almost ready to give the first bottle a 4, I really can’t now. Hm, actually seems better as I get near the bottom of the glass and it has warmed up a touch. It will have to settle for a solid 3 of 4 Alpine monkeys.
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