In Waimalu, if you drive into the wrong lane when approaching an intersection, you don’t have to stop at the stop sign, since it isn’t in your lane of traffic!
(0)Monthly Archive for May, 2013
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This past Saturday evening was the 2013 Hawaii Eisa Festival, the third year it’s being held and it was a great event. Every year they add something new and in addition to what they had last year, they got the current Eisa champions to perform. It seems the army of teruteru bozu worked, the weather was a pleasant Hawaiian evening. The oppressive stillness and humidty of the past days had lifted, in fact by the end of the night it was almost chilly. You might consider this a warm up to the Okinawa Festival, but in many ways I prefer it. It’s a smaller more intimate venue, held in the cool evening, lot less crowded, and focused on eisa performances. The food is a lot more limited, the KCC cafeteria rendition of rafute leaves a lot to be desired, I would skip it. The goya namasu side is pretty good though. The other problem is they are not set up to handle the sudden rush, I jumped in line at 5:45 and didn’t get out with my plate until 6:15, so I ended up missing the opening performances and was rushing eating and attempting to shoot off some pics one handed while balancing the plate of rafute in the other. Not happening. Missed out on getting some andagi too. Continue reading ‘Get Some Culture’
What, do I have no life that I actually watch all this?! No comment….
Streaming over on Funimation’s site is a few more not bad shows. We talked about Railgun S already and Date A Live. Continue reading ‘Anime Briefs – You’re kidding more, more ’13 Spring anime?!’
Really? There’s more? Yeah, and this isn’t even half of it!
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W – the misadventures involving high-schooler Yasaka Mahiro and his freeloading alien housemates Nyaruko, Kuuko, and Hastur continue in this second TV season. Continue reading ‘Anime Briefs – What, More 2013 Spring Anime?’
Older female in a Saturn Ion fully wallpapered across the back bumper with anti-abortion stickers speeding (like freeway speeding) through the school zone by Royal Elementary School. So aborting a fetus is murder but running down a grown child is perfectly fine? F-wit!
(0)There are three things (other than crossover K-pop bands) that will make me change the station when they come on KORL – Fukuyama Masaharu (sorry, Tarepanda-hi!), Dreams Come True, and Kimaguren. Of course it sucks equally when I change to a English-language station and get Jack Johnson or Bruno Mars!
here are the parts roughly assembled onto the old charcoal canister bracket. Only needed to drill two small holes for the stainless sheet metal screws that came with the white plastic clip thing and drilled two holes in it to thread the ziptie through. Have yet to road test, the battery in the road FX kind of went flat so charging right now.
Oh, and as for routing it back into the intake where the canister went, the BVSV in the coolant line is broken so I’m not sure what would happen if I routed it back into the intake with it open all the time. I suppose if I put it before the AFM then it would be no problem.
The rally FX being all race has slowly been loosing extraneous things. One of the more recent things I did was remove the charcoal canister. It’s not needed for the car to run, however removing it and capping the line from the gas tank that used to go to it causes some issues. What happens is that modern fuel systems are sealed. The gas tank cap holds pressure as a limited one way valve. As you use up fuel, that would create a vacuum in your tank and make it hard for the pump to work, so the gas cap has a one way valve to let air in. But as things warm up, vapors in the tank expand and cause the tank to become pressurized. Normally these excess vapors are routed into the charcoal canister to be absorbed until they can be put back into the intake and burned off. Without the canister pressure builds until the safety release in the cap opens, which is enough pressure to also cause liquid gasoline to come puking back out the cap.
Funny to see a confrontational, road-rage driver in a white Forester XT with a “coexist” religious tolerance bumper sticker!
(1)The Sony AKA-DM1 is probably one of the more unusual official action video camera mounts I’ve seen. I’m sure mounts like this have been jury rigged already, but for a big company to actually have one out for the specific application is interesting.