Was Maui always this stinky? It smells like poop!
(3)Monthly Archive for June, 2013
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Hey, it’s that time again. If you arrived from the August Moon page, click here to go and see my gallery. It is currently being redone, so there isn’t a whole lot there at the moment, but I’ll be steadily adding things, so check back time to time. If you have any questions, leave a comment on this post!
Metal plate across road – I go straight through: 4Runner behind me swerves fully into oncoming lane to avoid it. Pussy.
(1)Next offering from Goose Island Beer Co. It pours bright lightly cloudy yellow with a medium head. Strong hops, some citrusy tones, some bitterness and taste of grain in the middle. Medium mouthfeel. I was expecting a heffe, I got something more like a pilsner, with an unfortunate leaning to the skunkyness. A mixed bag, it’s drinkable but not to my taste.
2.5 out of 4 urban monkeys.
Amuro Namie – another single: another fail. Has her range decreased to less than one octave? Sounds like she just isn’t trying anymore, like she’s talking over BGM.
(0)I finally decided to do something about the starter problem on the rally FX. It’s a chronic problem with Corollas of this vintage. On the street FX I simply put a pushbutton in parallel with the ignition key. It works, most of the time, but occasionally even that does not, so there is something else in that circuit that is contributing to voltage drop. Instead of pushing the full starter solenoid current through the ignition switch, I decided to run it through a relay, the way I thought it should be.
If you fancy yourself a sashimi lover and of sake (salmon), get yourself down to Marukai and get a piece of what they have labeled as Scottish farm raised Steelhead Salmon. I don’t know what the Scott’s are doing, but whatever it is they’re doing it right! Go now and get it fresh it enough to do it up right as sashimi and you won’t be disappointed. Is this like the Kobe beef of salmon? The “marbling” and fat content is awesome, makes it almost buttery when you slip a piece of it in your mouth. OOhhh yeah!
The guys at Exhaust Systems Hawaii took care of the Rally FX once again. They gave me a break on the cost of the flex joint seeing as I go to them almost as much Scat! Hour later and I was out with a new, shorter flex installed. We shall see how long that lasts. I’m hoping fixing the engine mount helps. In two weeks we’ll have our Fathers Day rally, at Kualoa Ranch!