It had come up in conversation with our resident Kauai expat this Goteborg musubi. What’s that, we all asked? Seems to be a Kauai thing, SPAM wasn’t good enough for them. They had to get all hoity toity and use some exotic euro preserved meat. Although what you find will most likely be a Hormel product, the same as SPAM. On some quick investigation it turns out that the sausage is a dry salami type sausage from Sweden. Who knows exactly how/when it came to be a local musubi ingredient, just as SPAM has. Perhaps as consequence of the size of the slices, or more likely just because the Atooi wanted to different, the meat is placed on the bottom of the musubi as opposed to the traditional SPAM on top.
I picked up dinner from Paina Café and they have this, so I decided to buy some to see what the deal is. Pack of 3 for $3.30. The three looks to approximately equal one typical SPAM musubi so it does cost a bit more. The form factor, with its lack of a nori band around it, makes it difficult to eat cleanly, not helped by the bit too long on warm in rice cooker bit dessicated rice. You might conceivably pop the whole thing in your mouth in one go I suppose.
So, survey says? It’s good. It hits the same savory salty on rice target as a SPAM bomb. It’s not as sweet, and has a bit of a tang from it’s fermented dry salami process. I would eat it again. But I’m not going to go buy the plus 3 pound chub at the store!
Solid 3 out 4 euro weenie monkeys.
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