Here we go again into the fray. I’ve been neglecting my anime watching for a couple of weekends, so I decided to catch up with some summer shows that were winding down and maybe see some new ones. There are several that haven’t started yet, but here’s the first:
Diabolik Lovers – From the art style, this is without a doubt for the ladies… or guys who are into pretty boys (I’m not judging). Even though this is outside my interests, I do have to say that the animation quality is really good, though they probably did use up a lot of the budget on this first episode. The backgrounds are well done, and the direction is exceptional. Just the whole opening sequence with the cuts of the taxi bringing the heroine to the mansion and the rain are as good as a well-directed L/A film. That’s about where my appreciation of this property ends. Cinematography and storyboarding aside, the writing is trash and the characters completely overused architypes. I can’t tell if this is supposed to be titillating, since I just don’t get the premise of being locked in a gothic mansion with the vampire rapist brothers. D
root – chicks really dig this stuff? I guess the angsty, dangerous, jerk, supposedly darkness is supposed to appeal? I was a lot less enamored of the art and stuff, I guess it was ok. But everything else is not. I wouldn’t normally have bothered, but I struggled to watch the first two eps because it was the only new thing to come out yet. Not watching anymore.
I really hope this season gets better…
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