Today, Saturday, I lounged around all beginning of the day, the forecast earlier had called for dire rains, which only so far showed up as showers last night, and Kona winds today. Finally the bug in my brain to go ride my bike took hold. I needed to go buy some more of that gold Plastidip, and Dad needed some weed trimmer line, so I decided I’ll go ride to the Ace Hardware in Kaimuki. It was past 3PM but I figured I could be back within two hours so I pulled out the metallic rootbeer Santa Cruze. It kinda got pushed off to the side with the arrival of the Yeti, but it made a good cross country cruiser with the lighter weight and the layback sesatpost fixed the riding position. The weak Kona winds meant no helping tailwind on Kal Highway toward town, it was actually a bit of work, but it also meant I wouldn’t be battling winds coming back through Aina Haina. Skies were overcast and hazy, so the heat from sun wasn’t a problem. Pretty ideal riding conditions. I could tell I’m pretty out of shape, couldn’t put the hammer down, had to settle into a good spin. Only got passed by one roadie, but then it didn’t seem to be that much people out riding. Was everyone really out shopping? The only reason I was at Ala Moana yesterday was because I had to do an install in the food court. Navigating the crowds was maddening, it’s like when you come home after getting accustomed to Japan city foot traffic.
Anyway, I was actually enjoying the full squish suspension on the road, the knobby tires were pumped up to 55psi and I could tell the suspension was smoothing out a lot of the road jarring. Doesn’t help that our roads are in terrible condition. If I ever do Marathon escort again, I think I’ll put the slicks on this bike! I did flip the suspension to stiff mode when I hit the climb out of Kahala Mall. Again I could tell my lack of conditioning as I couldn’t sustain a stand climb and quickly sat back down and spun up the hill instead. Once I crested Kaimuki it was a short downhill to the Ace. It was a little past 4PM so it looks like it took me in the neighborhood of 40 minutes. Hardly impressive, but it was good to be out. Bought what I needed, packed up for the ride back.
Decided to take a slight detour instead of heading straight back, the ride up Kaimuki having to squeeze into the road with cars sucks anyway. Instead I went onto 7th and headed toward Diamond Head. Found myself on roads that brought back memories of those days(nights) of riding from Ckucky’s old place. Made my way past Fort Ruger market to what I wanted to check out, the new Fort Ruger Pathway on the mauka side of Diamond Head. Months ago I had ridden on it when the concrete had been laid down but the surrounding grounds were not. Was curious what it was like now. Rode to the Ewa end of of the path and took a look at the sign. WTF? I guess “multi-use” does not include bicycles! Icons and wordage specifically forbid bicycles. The heck! I ride up on the grass and gravel along side the path. Bah, humbug! I don’t want to tempt fate with the kiawe trees so I exit out onto the street. Fine then, I’ll play in traffic and take up the whole lane here. Fortunately there were no vehicles behind me all the way to the turn by the film studios.
Motored along through Kahala, fueled by my annoyance, but whatever, it’s not like I’ll be riding through there often anyway. Took the right turn and along that ramp that runs along side of the end of the freeway and I spied someone sitting on the far side of one of the street lamp bases. It seemed a little odd. As I passed by I saw that it was a possibly late twenties/thirties Caucasian dude smoking a cigarette, in a hospital gown, and nothing else. I’m glad I wasn’t running the GoPro and videoing, I do not care to see more.
The ride through Aina Haina, Niu Valley, and Kuliouou was uneventful and with the Kona winds could maintain a good pace. No trace of rain, although the skies were quite gray and there were occasional puddles in the gutters. Turned into Maunalua Bay for a butt rest. The winds meant the kite surfers were out on this side. Watched one traverse the length of the “beach”. The sun was getting low so headed home. I did climb up the road toward Hanauma Bay and paused at the lookout. Tourist asked about where the parking was to hike up Koko Crater. Pointed it out to him. I then went up a bit. Took a peek over the side at the drop-in and decided to do the token off-road DH into the park. It was pretty overgrown and if you didn’t know where the trail was probably not find it.
That bit of fun was over in a minute, all that was left was the short ride home. Yes Lady in the minivan, you’re supposed to stop at the stop sign, not roll through and attempt to turn onto the street because its a residential street that you assume has no traffic. Home in just under an hour, again not impressive, but I did make a bunch of diversions. I guess riding on the streets has its own set of experiences.
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