Saturday decided to go for a ride since the weather predictions were for dire rains to come through soon. Haven’t been up to the Lanai lookout area this year so decided to take the Yeti there. Weather was actually nice, too hot for December though. As soon as I got to the point where I usually first stop, spotted spout out toward Bamboo Ridge. Soon became apparent it was two, most likely a mother and youngster. They were moving right along so I rode further down the ridge closer to the water. They didn’t do much though as they passed.
Then shortly after was surprised by a breach going in the opposite direction. It was close enough that I could hear the splash! Unfortunately since it was so early in the season I didn’t bother bringing the big camera, just had my little point and shoot so this is the best I could do. Luckily this whale wasn’t a one hit wonder and repeatedly breached.
This was almost more action than I’d seen all last year! Rode down to the actual lookout area after but only spotted one more spout before deciding to head back. Riding through the rock strewn areas, I felt how much better the new bike rides. The new designs really have made improvements.
It was nice to get out and spin the legs for a bit.
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