Saturday, 17 May 2014
There had been some rain during the week, but on the two days leading up to the weekend, it was dry, so we figured the Ditch would be fine for a afternoon spin. It must have been raining out in Waimanalo, because we found the trail a muddy mess. The hikers coming out of the gate were all pretty muddy and had moon-shoe. I don’t exactly know why we didn’t give up, but we rode up Government Road until it got too slippery, then tried going out along the ditch, until it became too soupy to continue. Government road had been recently bulldozed, so the regraded surface was ripe to transform into sticky mud at a hint of moisture. Oh well. Should have just gone to get beer and blown off the ride! Bike got another bath. Took two hours to clean up from a one-hour ride.
Pictures soon
D = 1.93 km, Vavr = 4.9 km/h, Vmax = 12.9 km/h, T = 24-minutes, A/D =Â 133m, Total ride time about an hour.
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