With the spate of rainy days we’ve been having this season, many of our Tuesday evening ride have turned into road slogs up tantalus. Last week I had my St. Louis dh bike and equipment but we got rained out again. Ckucky flatted so after I gave him my spare skiny tube I motored on ahead. I ended up beating them to the top and the following week smack talk ensued.
Chris wasn’t taking my smack talk sitting down today and put the hammer down from the start. Hit my weak spot, I’m not good at the start. Actually I’m not so strong in the middle, or finish, hah. By the time we got to the straights in eucalyptus he was barely in sight.
Oh, and I wasn’t hallucinating when i saw roadie with face guard helmet on lunalilo a few weeks ago, saw two coming down as we were going up. One was a woman with Giro helmet with lots of vents.
Caugh one glimpse of Chris on the last turn before the one lane bridge.
He did push me to cut almost two minutes of my time on the climb, actually made it up in less then 40 minutes, what a blazing pace!
We only got a couple light sprinkles and the heat eased once we gained some elevation and the sun got lower, so it turned into a fairly nice evening.
As Chris said as he was loading up after the ride, it’s kinda nice having the upcoming Whistler trip giving us incentive to ride more. It’s easy to get lazy, but once you get on the bike you realize how good it feels to be out on it.
Monthly Archive for July, 2014
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It’s been a while, I’m sure there were times when I was not around, but this morning heard the sirens go up the street, followed later by sounds of Air1.
 Time for someone to get a ride in the barf bucket again!
Another from the summer seasonal variety pack. Pours a bright cloudy gold, medium light head. Citrus aroma, a bit of spice. Balanced bitter and some grain notes. Medium mouth feel and crisp. Pretty easy drinking.
A decent 3 out 4 citrusy monkeys.
Another selection from the summer variety pack. Summer is fruity beer time? Anyway, pours a clopudy amber with medium light head. Blueberry aroma immediately detectable upon opening bottle. The berry is mostly an aroma thing, it perhaps lends a little sweet, but there is also a bit of bitter. This one is more beerlike than the previous Porch Rocker, but still pretty light on any malt and grain flavors. Medium mouthfeel. I can’t say I’m a big fan, it’s not like a soda that packs punch that the Porch Rocker is, but doesn’t make it as a good beer either. It’s not horrible.
2 out of 4 blue monkeys.
From their current summer variety pack, this is a flavored beer. A style some might be familiar as a shandy, a combo of lemonade and beer. Pours with moderately small head, a bright clear yellow. Definite lemon aroma, not a whole lot of much else. Not overwhelmingly sweet, but enough to mask most of any bitterness, only a touch of that remains. There’s also not a whole lot of beer flavor to be found, if you try really hard you can taste some grain in the aftertaste. Mouthfeel is light. It’s not objectionable, but it’s like a malt beverage, dare I say it, Zima? At 4.5% ABV it’s about the same as a beer on the lower end, so it can get some buzz going since its so easy drinking.
If you’re looking for something like those hard ciders or lemonades, then this is fine, but as a beer I don’t know how to rate this. 2 out of 4 pop beer monekys.