Monthly Archive for January, 2017

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 After all the forecasts of epic snow dumps, this mornings actaul report is 17cm.  While not in the epic range, its enough for us to proceed with waking up early. Hopefully it was too small to trigger the 25cm flu and it wont be so busy. 

And if nothing else, my crumpet will be wrinkle free.

Cold Heat?

    Someone explain to me what the point of a CFL heat lamp is?


snowfall last night did not reach forecast amount, only 5 cm. we wont be in any rush to get up the mountain. It is forecast to snow theoughtout the day, but the winds have picked up a good amount. Looks like storm riding today.

Rogers Pass

with todays non-riding day we took a short drive to Rogers Pass and Glacier National Park. Moutain pass where the railway came through and quite succeptable to avalanches. Nice mountaneous area, not any one big easy accessed big tourist feature, its more an area you go hiking/snowshoe/xc ski/climbing/backcountry boarding. 

Been cloudy all day and it started snowing while we were are visitor center. Figured we better head back to town before it really started snowing.

Low motivation

Yesterday morning motivation was low and fatigue high. It was past noon by the time we got to the mountain. No lines tho! Conditions were ok, weve ridden in worse and there still were little patches of nice softies. On our very first run, we did make the mistake of getting into mogul land. That was punishing and no fun. Found better lines later and by end of day finding our snow legs. It was a good warm up day.

This morning motivation is low again. No new snow overnight. We bought 5 day passes which gives us one open day. I think we’re going to take that today and take the day off from riding since it looks like the rest of the week may be epic. The forecast has shifted, 36cm tonight, 31 tomorrow, tapering off to 13 thursday.

Day to explore town and find more good food!

Beer Is Good – Mt.Begbie Tall Timber 

  an English brown ale. Pours deep amber medium strong head. Roast malt a bit of bitter in middle but does not linger. Surprisngly easy drinking and clean.

3 out 4 brown english monkeys.

Powder potential

Kelowna airport small but has everything, jetways, bagage carrousel, carrental counters, bus shuttle to Big White & Revelstoke, a Tim Hortons. The car rental gave us option of BMW X3 or Heap Grand Cherokee. Would have liked to check out the BMW but the Jeep had snow tires, this time at a reasonable $10/day upcharge. Made a stop at MEC, the REI of BC, where i was once again ashopping yenta and did a healthy contribution to Canada’s economy buying new Scarpa hiking shoes. I did need them as both my pairs gave up the ghost just weeks before the trip. The drive from Kelowna to Revelstoke was uneventful, arrived in the dark but no fog this time. Drove over to town where the streets were deserted, but the Vietnamese restaurant (not single south asian in sight) was pretty busy. It was decent but nothing to write home about. Quite a bit lighter than what wed get at home. The vermicelli fish sauce dressing was much sweeter.

Once again the parking lot of the Sandman hotel was full of trucks hauling snow machines. Eating myTimmy’s smore donut for dessert. Should know by now that the seasonal specialty donuts are intense sugar bombs. 

Its now Sunday morning. Were being lazy as no significant snowfall for last few days. Checking forecast however shows that the prediction for ths week has gone up. Its expected to start tomorrow middayband peak tuesday with a forecast 51cm for Tuesday! It might be heavy snow though, temps are warm with this system. Anyway, taking it slow today, might check out the avy demos theyre holding today. Avy dogs are cool.

Kelowna bound

 Currently at YVR domestic gates having smoked salmon benny. Flight over was ok, pretty basic, a bit bumpy, no screaming babies but person behind me kept poking back of seat.  

Beer Is Good – Ballast Point Grunion Pale Ale

p1060999Should have known better, but I thought it wasn’t an “I”PA so see what its like. The moment I cracked the cap I could smell the floral hops. Pours light yellow with light head. Piney, grapefruity aroma. Hop bitter that they’ve managed to keep under control.

You know I dislike heavy hop beers, but I actually finished this one, so I think I’d give more than 1 out 4 pale monkeys.


Tires Are Good – Bridgestone Potenza RE-71R XL

p1060998Finally got around to replacing tires on the FR-S, the original Bridgestone Turanza finally wore down to point of questionable safety check. Everyone would ask, oh are those the Prius tires? The FR-S actually comes from the factory with either of two tires, the “Prius” tires are probably better since they are summer tires. The ones that came on mine are the Turanaza’s which are all season, although their performance in mud was laughable.

These Potenzas are a new model that came out this past year and are considered the new king of the street tires for autocross, 200 treadwear qualifies them for street/stock class. Summer tires meant for ultimate road traction. They do not like cold.

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