Damn marketing! Whoever came up with this retro campaign, it worked. I bought a four pack because the label art on the can caught my attention. Of course the beer is good, but I guess with all the variety and influx of new flavors popping up every week, you can get lost in looking for and trying the latest that you forget the classics. So while trying new is good, you discover new faves like Fat Tire New Belgium, or Firestone Walker 805, for example, but don’t neglect the old standbys, because you never know when they may vanish.
Monthly Archive for April, 2018
Decided to make a osso bucco like dish for dinner. Instead of lamb shank used Hawaii beef shank. After making it realized that its not very hard, just takes a long time. I guess time is money, which is why restaurants can charge so much for it? It’s basically stew. Looked online at a bunch of recipies to get the gist of things then went for it. Salt & pepper and dredge the meat in flour. Heat up pot pretty hot, add oil, brown meat. Remove meat, then saute the classic aromatic veggies of onion, carrot, and celery. Toss in herbs, I grabbed fresh rosemary and bay leaf from our yard, threw in a few sprigs of thyme bought from store, saute a bit. Toss in finely diced hot red pepper. Then deglaze. Supposed to use wine, but I had the Russian imperial stout which is pretty winelike. “Not too sweet, not too rancid, jus’ right!” (For you off islanders, look up Rap Reiplinger’s Auntie Marialani) Continue reading ‘Oh So Buco’
Final selection from the SA variety pack, this Smoked Lager. Pours deep amber with light head. Despite the name, there is not a strong smoked aroma. If anything the hop bitter is more pronounced. There is a hint of the roasted malt. Fairly light mouthfeel, which kind of goes with the wateriness. It’s drinkable, but it does not fill me with joy either.
2 out 4 kinda smoked monkeys.
Feeling in need of dark, a Russian imperial stout is pretty extreme. Pours opaque black with very light head. Dark fruit and alcohol aroma. Dark roast, interestingly bitter is even, coffee flavors. Pretty thick mouthfeel, this is a sipping beer. And as a good stout maintains good character warm. 9.8 ABV, this beer is not to be taken lightly.
Solid 3 out 4 imperial monkeys.
Vacuum (aka Thermos) bottles have existed for decades, even the stainless steel ones, but it seems just recently that to tout one around is trendy. Hydroflask seems to be the ones that kicked this off, they achieved such heavy market penetration that they were everywhere. What also helps is the accessories, it makes them more like sports bottles where you can drink directly from them on the go. Most “old school” vacuum bottles would require you to pour into a cup first, although if you’re a construction worker you would have mastered the skill of lifting the cooler jug above your head and pouring directly into your mouth. Everyone seems to have them, kids, nurses, office workers, ladies where the clang goes along with the jangle of Hawaiian bracelets. Continue reading ‘Vaccuum Fad’
Next in the variety pack is this not commonly seen german style, Kellerbeir. Pours hazy medium amber, medium light head. Medium hop aroma, medium bitter that stays even throughout. Malt and grain is not pronounced, fairly dry mouthfeel and finish. Pretty easy drinking.
3 out 4 unfiltered monkeys.
I’ve noticed something in my recent orders from Amazon, and it kinda bugs me. It’s the shipping. Pay more or get a membership and you get faster shipping, opt for cheaper and you get slower shipping, right? I usually am not in a rush so usually go cheaper, but noticed it wasn’t slower shipping, rather you are paying to get your stuff sooner. Instead of sending the items out cheaper USPS, which sometimes would arrive quite fast, they would hold my order until 2 days before the quoted arrival date, then ship it out 2 day UPS air. So yes, it arrives by the date they said it will, but the freight cost is the same to them. I still order from them, but it doesn’t leave a good taste. Oh, and their packing is usually pretty lame. Pick a box bigger than the item, throw in a few air packs, throw item in, ship it. Its amazing my camera was ok rattling and sliding around in the box. I guess if items get damaged in transit, its nothing to them to replace it.
Another domestic tool I picked up, this cordless trimmer from Makita uses the same batteries that my drill, impact driver, demo saw, circular saw set uses. Well constructed and nicely balanced, I’ve used it a few times already. It’s got enough power for consumer use, I have on occasion jammed it when encountering a hard branch so it won’t cut everything that fits within the teeth. With a fully charged 3 AHr battery, I honestly get tired before the battery runs out.
3 out 4 hedging monkeys.
Next up in the SA pack is this Helles. Pours a clear yellow with amber tint, light head. Soft floral aroma and mild hops. Even bitter that fades out. Clean finish and crisp mouthfeel. Occasionally a light grain reveals itself in the finish as it warms up. I’m a little undecided on the orange blossom, it does give it a weissen feel, which I like.
3 out 4 hella monkeys.